Tag Archives: overweight

Joe Biden’s White House Physician, ‘Kevin O’Connor’, Is Fat (Maybe Obese). I Would NOT Trust Him!

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia.

I refuse to see overweight/obese doctors & dentists.

I am a great believer in the adage, “physician, heal thyself“.

If a doctor can’t look after himself/herself, what confidence can I have that they will know what is good for I.

I have walked out of doctors when I have discovered that they are FAT!

Hey, my body, my life, my money, MY RULES.

Fat doctors don’t inspire confidence in me. I think they are SLOBS. Sorry.

My preferences.

But, this could explain a LOT when it comes to what is ailing Biden these days.

Biden has an inept doctor.

‘Trial By Fire’ (2023) ‘Netflix’ Series — Compelling & A Stark Reminder That India, At Its Heart, Is Still A Third-World Country.

by Anura Guruge
on January 23, 2023

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Click image to access the ‘Netflix’ page for this comedy.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

Watch the YouTube trailer.

It was a 7 episode SERIES (albeit each episode under 50 minutes) — & I get leery that I might lose interest before I get to the end. NO FEARS with this series. It truly exceeded expectations. By the time I got to episode 3 I was riveted.

It is based on a genuine tragedy, with the loss of 59 lives, that took place on June 13, 1997.

I had not heard of this fire or the case that AMAZINGLY dragged on for 24-years. Quite the story.

Given that series covers New Delhi society, Indian politics & the Indian judicial system for those 24 years it gives you quite a glimpse into unvarnished, contemporary Indian life. Though most of the folks shown in this series are middle class & lead a very affluent, highly westernized life at its CORE India is still India from 50-years ago or more.

There is an actual line in the show that says something along the lines of: “India will always remain a third-world country”. I am not qualified to comment on that. But, from what we see in this series India, despiste the outward trappings by the city-dwelling wealthy is still very much mired in the PAST.

Class distinction, RAMPANT CORRUPTION, bribery, graft, bureaucratic chaos still exists in bucket loads. I am familiar with much of this from my own upbringing in Ceylon as well as the amount of time I did spend in New Delhi in the late 1960s. My parents lived there from 1969 to about 1972. I was in boarding school in London. I would go home, to New Delhi, for my 3-month summer holiday & the 3-week break for Christmas. A lot of what I saw in this show, though 30 years after my time there, hadn’t changed much.

As with most Indian shows I was also stuck by how overweight or obese many of the people are. It is their carb-rich diet. In this show, somewhat atypically, you also saw a LOT of alcohol consumption.

I had expected to see more courtroom drama. There wasn’t that much. Just short & sweet snippets — but most of those were telling & clever.

I enjoyed it. But, I am sure it is not for all. Check out the trailer. If you like this kind of stuff this series will NOT disappoint. Netflix did good (again).

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

A Sobering Map Of The World Showing The Overweight Problem Across The Globe.

by Anura Guruge
on January 22, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. For full U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

Not much I can add to this other than NOTE that the LATEST data (based on what appears at the bottom of the map) is from 2016. That was 6 (if not 7) years ago. So, this map is a bit dated. But, I am sure the overall picture hasn’t changed — just that some of the BLUES would have got darker.

The numbers are India have to be distorted by their HUGE village-dwelling population. Of late I have been watching a quite a lot of Indian movies on ‘Netflix‘ & I am always struck by how many folks, of both genders & across the age spectrum, are overweight if not obese. Yes, much of that is to do with their carb-rich diet.

All said, an interesting & sobering map to contemplate.

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