Tag Archives: override

IF The 120 Elector Limit Is Overridden Without A Pope Francis Edict, Can Over-80 Cardinals Revolt?

by Anura Guruge
on June 23, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From John Paul II’s UDG, the PREVAILING LAW.

Click image to access this pivotal post from 12-days ago.

So the issue here is what would happen IF there were to be a conclave with over 120 electors on deck AND Pope Francis had NOT overridden the 120 MAX limit with an edict.

The growing consensus, that I have reluctantly come to agree with, is that ALL the cardinal electors WILL be PERMITTED to participate in the conclave IRRESPECTIVE of the 120 limit stated by THE LAW. OK. This now seems to be a given.

But have a look at Universi Dominici Gregis (UDG) — above.

The 120 max limit & the 80-year cut-off for attendance are BOTH stated in the same clause, i.e., #33.

So, what folks are saying is that the 120 limit part of clause #33 can be (casually) overridden. OK?

Then what about the over-80 restriction?

In the same clause. We override one part not the other?

I am pretty certain that some cardinals, in particular those over 80, will question that!

That really would put a cat among the pigeons.

Letting ALL of Francis’ appointees attend, irrespective of the 120-limit, strengthens the chance that the Next Pope will have pro-Francis sentiments.

But, if ALL the over 80s are allowed to attend, the Francis camp will be overrun!

The supreme irony.

Canny Paul VI instituted the over-80 rule to make sure that HIS SUCCESSOR will be like him.

Now the converse can happen.

What FUN?

Think about it.

Major Reconsideration. Pope Francis Can Override The 120 Elector Limit At Will Per John XXIII Precedent!

by Anura Guruge
on June 11, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From page 96 of my ‘The Conclave‘ book.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From page 153 of my ‘The Conclave‘ book.

I have been very adamant for a very long time that no more than 120 electors will be able to participate in a conclave without a new edict from the pope overriding Paul VI’s 1973 edict and the prevailing papal constitution, viz. Universi Dominici Gregis (UDG).

After a lot of thinking I have now come to the conclusion that I could have been wrong!


John XXIII, in 1958, did NOT issue an edict saying he was overriding Sixtus V longstanding 70 max cardinal limit. He just went ahead and created more than 70. Yes, things were more fluid those days. The prevailing constitution did not mention any limits as to how many cardinals could attend a conclave.

So, on John XXIII’s death, in 1963, 80 cardinals participated in the conclave. That was 10 above Sixtus V’s 70 limit.

I think the same can happen now.

The pope has spoken.

If there are more than 120 electors at the next conclave, ALL of them will probably be allowed to attend & vote — irrespective of the 120 limit in UDG!

This is BIG.