Tag Archives: over 80

IF The ‘Dean’ Was Precluded From Attending The Pre-Conclave ‘General Congregations’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 8, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & view here. ‘Page 156 ‘Appendix B‘ of MYThe Conclave‘ book.

Right now as I dealt with yesterday, the Vatican is denying — with unnecessary vehemence — that there are no moves afoot, whatsoever, to modify the Conclave protocols. This follows the speculations a few days earlier that ‘Pope Francis‘ planned to changes the rules for ‘General Congregations’ — in the MAIN to preclude the over-80, non-elector cardinals from participating. As I then pointed out, that this change would not be that drastic — though, of course, the over-80s would resent it bitterly.

But, I got thinking about this on my daily 4-mile ambles in the morning.

The only change of SOME CONSEQUENCE to such a change would be that the DEAN, if over 80, will no longer be able to Preside over the General Congregations (GCs) as he has always done — even after the over-80 rulings.

I have often wondered whether this was good or bad. This is one of the anomalies, albeit not that great, in the current set of protocols.

An over-80 Dean presides over GCs (& most other matters that involve the entire College), BUT is NOT permitted to attend the Conclave.

The supposed Francis change (if it holds water) will fix that.

There will be continuity if the Dean is over 80. The same Cardinal Bishop who will Preside over the Conclave will also preside over the GCs. In a way that is good.

The Dean (albeit these days elected for 5-year (renewable) terms) invariably (though no longer as a guarantee) has a ton of experience & expertise in Vatican/Church matters & will know how to get stuff done. In 2013, ‘Angelo Sodano‘, though over-80, played quite role in pre-conclave happenings.

The current Dean, who was the one that EXPERTLY RAN the 2013 Conclave, i.e., ‘Giovanni Battista Re‘, is now 89. So, if the rules are changed he will be sidelines.

But, this is ALL SPECULATION right now.

Plus, I am no longer convinced that we will be seeing a sede vacante anytime soon!

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Vatican Appears To Protest Too Much About Supposed Changes To Papal Election Rules.

by Anura Guruge
on November 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

The vehemency of the protests & pushback makes me suspicious.

Why make such a BIG DEAL claiming that no changes are on the way.

The pope has every right to make changes.

When it comes to the 120 Papal Elector limit, he ACTUALLY has an OBLIGATION to fix that.

It is not like anyone is doing anything untoward, unethical, unlawful or even naughty.

Perfectly above board.

So why this insistence on pushing back? That makes me think that something indeed is afoot.

Now to be fair, I WAS VERY CLEAR in my first post, 2-day ago, that this was ALL HEARSAY.

Kind of funny that ‘The Pillar‘ has had to backtrack, drastically, within 48-hours. They need better sources.

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I Have NO Issues With ‘Pope Francis’ Wanting To Change PRE-Conclave ‘General Congregations’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 5, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Link to original at ‘The Pillar‘.

RIGHT NOW, per ‘The Pillar‘, this is still hearsay.

Even if these SUPPOSED ‘General Congregation‘ related changes come to pass, I will NOT take issue with them.

Overall, IF that is all the pope intends to do, these changes are BENIGN & TRIVIAL.

As it is, attending the ‘General Congregations’ is NOT mandatory for the over-80 (i.e., non-elector) cardinals. This just takes it to the logical conclusion.

Yes, you can argue that the over-80s bring EXPERIENCE & expertise to the meetings. But, they DON’T have to attend the formal meetings to impart their wisdom to the under-80s. That is why they have PRATTICHE. {Look it up.}

Also to be fair, by the 6th General ALL of the important & NECESSARY work, i.e., setting up the LOGISTICS & protocols, is done. After that it just becomes a stage for grandstanding. Check what actually happened in the last two instances in my ‘The Conclave‘ book — Appendix A.

So, these two supposed changes to the Generals bother me none.

Yes, the over-80s will be LIVID. They will have to learn to live with it. {Smile}

But, I doubt IF these are the ONLY TWO changes the pope has in mind. {Smile} But, then again, he is old & not thinking that clearly. {Smile}

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Next Pope In The Era Of BIONIC Popes.

by Anura Guruge
on February 22, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Francis has now overtaken beloved (& long-serving) St. John Paul II to become the 7th oldest pope as of 1400. In September he will leapfrog the prior pope, i.e., Benedict XVI, to become the 4th oldest pope. At year end, IF he is still pope, he will become the 3rd oldest pope as of 1400.

The birthdates of popes prior to 1400 are either unavailable or unreliable. Hence, any meaningful age-related claims as to popes have to be ‘as of 1400’.

Click to ENLARGE.

Longevity is UP across the world; people are just living to be older. That is irrefutable.
Yes, better healthcare, nutrition & increasing awareness to fitness have all played a role.

The Queen is 95 & has ruled for an unprecedented 70-years!

The last pope, Benedict XVI resigned at 85.7 years. (See above) He is currently 94. If he had NOT resigned he would be the OLDEST pope since 1400!

The current pope is 85 years old.

The pope prior to Benedict XVI, i.e., the beloved John Paul II, reigned until he was 84.9 years old (i.e., nearly 85).

So, the last 3 popes have all lived beyond 84.

Then, look at the last chart above — the reign lengths of the last 14 popes. We have seen some very long pontificates.

Starting in 2010 I was adamant that the next pope after Benedict XVI would be over 75 when elected. Many disagreed with I. Many called me delusional. I was RIGHT. Francis was 76; 9th oldest to be elected.

Soon after his election he hinted that he may resign when he got ‘too old’. That now seems unlikely.

This creates a dilemma, i.e., popes who per their longevity can rule into their late 80s & maybe even 90s. Even more than their age, it becomes a matter of how long they reign. A pope elected at 70 can now easily have a pontificate that stretches into two decades.

I, until quite recently, was steadfast that the pope that succeeds Francis will also be over 75. I am NOW rethinking that.

I think the next pope will be even older! Yes, even older meaning close to 78 or 79. Yikes. I think that the electors might even consider an over 80 cardinal. NOTHING, BUT NOTHING in the laws that says a pope elect has to be under 80. NOTHING.

So, that is my current thinking. I even have some new papabili names. That will be my next post.