Tag Archives: nutrition label

I Find It Hard To Believe That Ultra-Pasteurized ‘Light Cream’ Can Be This Healthy!

by Anura Guruge
on October 3, 2023

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This nutritional label & the NUMBERS just don’t make sense to me!

Seems way, way too good to be TRUE.

I am now old enough to know that this is just too good to be TRUE.


Yep, it has SOME fat — but it is NOT that bad.

YES, YES, YES — I know it is for a SINGLE TABLESPOON.

But, you see, fat is not my real — or PRIMARY — concern. I can get away with a fair amount of fat (& I do watch some of my fat intake).

It is CARBS that kill me — & do mean that quite literally. Carbs are killing me.

I have to watch my carbs — & yes, of late, I have cut back on my wine consumption.

Per this label, this cream has NO CARBS.

That can’t be.

Something is wrong. I need to look into this.