Tag Archives: Nuneaton and Bedworth Community Association

There May Be MORE To UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, Than Meets The Eye!

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Here is the link to the original at: nbca.org.uk.

Click to ENLARGE. I got this via Twitter in reply to yesterday’s post.

As I said yesterday in my post I had never heard of this COVID memorial until I saw a clip about it, on Sky News, earlier that day.

Then today I get the above Tweet with that link … which resolves to the nbca.org.uk post show on top.

I really have NO IDEA what is going on, but it is already pretty clear that there is more to this than meets the eye … & much, much more than I have a clue about.

One thing I did determine, fairly quickly, is that nbca.org.uk is a NEW association (& as such also a new website). They had their inaugural annual general meeting just 12 days ago. I have NO desire to get involved. I am just going to present what they have to say. PERIOD.

I had heard/read the MILLION DOLLAR price tag. That, even today, is a respectable amount of money.

The intricate woodwork & the architecture is amazing. Beautiful.

Seems such a wanton waste to burn it to the ground. WOW.

American money involved, even though it is in the U.K.?

U.K. tax payer money tied up?

I am intrigued. I will try to find out more by keeping my ear to the screen. OK?