Tag Archives: November 23

Pope Francis, IF Still Functioning, Should Call For Cardinal-Creating Consistory For The ‘Feast Of Christ The King’, [i.e., Sat. Nov. 23].

by Anura Guruge
on September 2, 2024

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He missed the September 2024 window. I guess his handlers thought it would be too much for him after his Asian trip. Fair enough.

November, Sat. 23 on the Eve of ‘Christ the King’ (on the Sunday) will be good. He has held two other cardinal creating consistories around THIS feast, in 2016 (his third) & 2020 (his seventh). This would be his 10th.

I guess, other than I, nobody, any longer, gives a monkey’s about the 120 elector limit. I think it could still lead to a potential schism UNLESS rectified. But, I think we are heading for a schism following the next conclave.

Given that the 120 limit is (unofficially dead) Francis should go ahead & create at least another 20 to 25 YOUNG electors (i.e., under 75). That way his backers will have a comfortable supermajority (i.e., 67%) come the next conclave. All bets will be off.

We could have Francis II — no problem.

Last Time Thanksgiving (U.S.) Fell On November 23 As In 2023 Was …

by Anura Guruge
on November 18, 2023

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Was in 2017.

Just 6 years ago. So, not that long. A 6 or 5 year gap between U.S. Thanksgiving falling on the same day is the norm. (The 11-year gaps are due to Leap Years.)

U.S. Thanksgiving (the ONLY ‘Thanksgiving’ of import & meaning as far as I am concerned, the others being but shameless efforts at imitation), as of 1941, is ALWAYS on a Thursday — the 4th Thursday of November. As such, it can occur between November 22 to November 28.

This year, i.e., 2023, it occurs close to the start of that range, i.e., November 23.

Kind of neat that in 2023 Thanksgiving is on the 23rd.