Tag Archives: November 2022

Lot Of Good Cricket On ‘Willow TV’ After The ‘ICC Men’s T20 World Cup’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

I haven’t watched ‘Willow TV‘ in weeks (though I have a fully paid up annual subscription) because, alas, they don’t have the streaming rights to the T20 World Cup. Instead, I have been watching all the World Cup games on ‘ESPN+‘. Though the cricket watching experience with them is nowhere near even close to that of Willow, they, to their credit, have done a fairly decent job with the World Cup. Much to my delight & relief we do have 15- to 16-minute highlights of all the matches. Those are what I watch. I don’t have the time to watch 3- to 4-hour long match.

But, with the World Cup ending on Sunday, i.e., November 13, 2022, Willow will be back in the streaming business. Hence, why I wanted to share the upcoming schedule with you. They sent it to me in the form of an e-mail. Enjoy.

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Pope Francis Should Have A Cardinal-Creating Consistory In November 2022 (If He Can).

by Anura Guruge
on February 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From my magic cardinal elector spreadsheet.

Click to ENLARGE. From the same magic cardinal elector spreadsheet as above.

11 cardinal electors would have turned 80 & thus ‘aged out’ by this time next year.

Barring deaths, this would drop the cardinal elector count, now at 119, to 108. NO problem with that. Plenty enough cardinals to elect a pope. I always like to remind folks that the conclave that elected GOOD POPE John XXIII only consisted of 51 cardinals. So, 108 is more than enough.

The reason to have another — most likely his very LAST — cardinal-creating consistory would be to let Francis get a few more of his picks into the conclave.

If the conclave happens post February 2023 Francis could have 77 of his electors attending. This could account for around 64% of the electors. Still SHORT of the 66% majority required to elect a new pope, but awfully close.

November consistories are popular. Francis had already had 2 November consistories. So, it would not be incongruous. Plus, he likes to go above the 120 limit. This time, however, (barring deaths) he will only be 2 above the limit — until February.

This makes a lot of sense.

The only question is whether the pope will have the will & energy to hold one — assuming he is still pope.