Tag Archives: non-white

‘University Of New Hampshire’ (UNH) TV Commercial Reflects How White NH Still Is — & How Some Would Like It To Be.

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2022

Screen grab from YouTube video below.

Yes, from what I can see there are three non-white (or non-Caucasian) ‘kids’ in this TV commercial. But, in my opinion, all three are pretty ‘diluted‘ (so to speak) and as ‘light‘ as they can be.

I visit UNH quite often. I know they have a fairly large Asian contingent. But, that hardly comes through in this commercial.

I was watching my local WMUR TV (Channel 9) at 6pm, mainly for an update on the snow storm we had just endured, when this UNH commercial aired. I did a double take. I rewound it — twice. I was ‘disappointed’. Yes, it was made in 2020.

I moved to NH in 1986. Yes, it was considerably whiter then. There were many kids who had never seen a non-white in the flesh. I know. I was told. Things have changed, but not much & mainly in the southern most tier, i.e., Manchester & below.

I think UNH could do better. Wouldn’t YOU say so?