Tag Archives: no ball

It Is Complex Laws Like This That Makes CRICKET Such A Beautiful & Fascinating Sport — & Will Always Confound The Americans.

by Anura Guruge
on June 21, 2024

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How brilliant? I kind of worked out what had happened just from the headlines (i.e., it had to be related to the No Ball). I then read further … & I was right to an extent. So beautiful. So classic. So CRICKET. Wow. Just love it. Made me so happy.

I have always maintained that cricket is chess played on a large field. Very cerebrial.

It is NOT just “crash-bang-wallop. Thank you Ma’am” (though T20 does make it look like that). There is so many intricacies. This is a great example. No wonder cricket will always confound the Americans — though the current U.S.A. cricket team, made up mainly on ex-pats, are doing quite well.

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