Tag Archives: night

My Office By Night.

by Anura Guruge
on January 11, 2024

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Since finishing my 2nd Christmas book, the Quiz One, I have been taking time off to declutter, rationalize and update my office. Making good progress. Layout the same, BUT major new look.

I got rid of over 400 books & a LOT (& I mean) a LOT of toys. Sold, very successfully, over $500 of N-scale & Z-scale train stuff! Wow.

This is what it looked like last night, when I turned my desk lamp off — when I was leaving for dinner.

Yes, there is a Buddha lamp above a picture of a nude. That is my office, my life.

That Bright Blob Next To The Moon Is Not A Star — It is Jupiter.

by Anura Guruge
on December 1, 2022

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It is a very striking, impossible to miss, conjunction in the night sky over New England.

I knew it was a planet (& even though this was late at night, rather than early morning) I double checked to see whether it was Venus or Jupiter. I should have remembered. We get this Moon-Jupiter conjunction quite often in Winter. [Venus, per its colloquial name ‘morning star’, tends to be more visible in the morning as opposed to late nights.]

Well, enjoy it. It is quite the sight.

2022 New Hampshire ‘Lady Slippers’ At Night.

by Anura Guruge
on May 17, 2022

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They opened up to perfection, pink & plump, yesterday, morning, May 16, 2022. I, of course, shared pictures of those with you — yesterday.

At 11:30 last night I walked past them. It had just stopped raining. So, I knew they would be wet & gleaming. I took a few photos, one with a flash, the others using ‘Night Sight‘ on my Google Pixel 6 Pro. Just wanted to share them with you since many don’t get to see them that late at night.

Yes, I have documented the progression of the 2022 Lady Slippers in Central New Hampshire.

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