Tag Archives: newsletter

Photos I Took At The ‘Revels North’ Fundraiser (On Sunday) Appear In Their June Newsletter.

by Anura Guruge
on June 15, 2023

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Check these two posts (post 1 & post 2) — which have SOME of the pictures I took Sunday.

I did NOT volunteer to take photographs. They had some very professional looking folks with REAL cameras. I just snapped away like I always do. Didn’t even tell them that take pictures. But, I sent them all the 50 or so photos I had taken on Tuesday & told them that they can use them.

Then this today. WOW. They did tell me yesterday that my photos will be in the Newsletter. They used quite a few! I am delighted.

Glaucoma Awareness Month — V. Useful Newsletter From ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB).

by Anura Guruge
on January 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access ‘National Eye Institute’ post.

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access OCB’s webpage on Glaucoma.

Click image to view ENTIRE OCB Newsletter as a clean, safe PDF.

I am a very happy patient of ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB). I had my near miraculous cataract surgeries (x3) done by them — in particular, the wonderful, gifted & brilliant Dr. Theodor Sauer.

From my many visits to them I have come to appreciate that OCB really very concerned about the early detection of glaucoma. They test you for glaucoma every time you go there. They, like I, are great believers in prevention & early detection. [I am, for NOW, ‘OK’ when it comes to glaucoma (though a few years ago, way before OCB, a doctor in New Hampshire speculated that I might be a candidate for low-pressure glaucoma. It would appear she was misguided. But, I try not to take any chances when it comes to my eyes which is why I panicked when I had ‘flashes & floaters’ in my left eye in November 2021. Dr. Sauer had warned me to keep any eye out for them.

Well, as a patient I get the OCB’s monthly newsletter. The January newsletter was all about glaucoma. It has a lot of useful information & I feel compelled to share that with YOU. I had a quick look at OCB’s large website. I could not find this newsletter. That is why I made it into a PDF and posting it here. You should take a look.

Your vision is NOT something you should overlook!

It Was Cool To See One Of My Photos (& Name) In The Latest ‘Castle In The Clouds’ Newsletter.

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

I am a BIG fan, advocate & supporter of ‘Castle in the Clouds‘ & try to volunteer there whenever I can. That is what made it special. That I was kind of able to lend a hand (or at least a photo).

This was a picture I had taken July 17, 2021, at the ‘Peter Cincotti‘ concert. I had told my contacts at the ‘Castle’ that they were welcome to use any of my photos. Well, they did. I am happy.