Tag Archives: news junkie

Did YOU Know That There Is A Banana Fungus Majorly Impacting Supply?

by Anura Guruge
on August 15, 2024

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News stories from ‘Google News‘ (just now).

As some of you know I am a news junkie. I LISTEN (during my ~2.5 hours of daily ambling) to a lot of news on BBC, CNN, CNBC, NPR & MSNBC.

During the last few days I have kept on hearing about this banana crisis. Finally today I decided to have a quick look. It appears to be real.

I love bananas. I used to eat one every day. But, I had to give them up when I became pre-diabetic. They spiked my sugar level. Damn. So, I no longer buy any. I used to buy at least 7 each week.

This is not good. I am concerned. Wow.

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