Tag Archives: Newfoundland

Famous U.S. ‘Lewis & Clark Expedition’ ATE At Least 200 Dogs — But We Are Not Sure About Cats.

by Anura Guruge
on September 16, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Google‘. Check it out.

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘Amazon AUDIBLE’ listing.

I knew that native Indians ate dogs and that, moreover, they were considered a delicacy.

I happen to be listening, entranced, to the above AUDIOBOOK (^) about the expedition. That is how I came to know about their penchant for dog eating. Captain Meriwether Lewis, the de facto expedition leader, wrote in his (renowned) journals that he PREFERRED dog to elk!


And yes, Lewis, like I, had a Newfie, ‘Seaman‘ (who I think was bigger than mine, viz., ‘Rowen‘). It is not recorded whether Seaman was FED dog meat & what he thought of dogs being killed, COOKED and eaten.

So, with all this talk about eating cats & dogs, THINK about this.

P.S., Growing up in Ceylon (in the 1950s/1960s) it was taken for GRANTED that the Chinese living in Ceylon ate cats and that what they served in restaurants as ‘chicken’ was but cat!

It Was “Rowen’s” 3rd Birthday & She Got A Birthday Cake, “McDonald’s” Cheeseburgers & New Squeaky Toys.

by Anura Guruge
on November 30, 2023

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She didn’t, this year, get to go to her favorite place, outside of here, i.e., ‘Fort Williams‘. We had some important commitments that could not be moved around.

Instead she got a special Doggie Birthday Cake, from Boston, plus the traditional burgers. This year she got 2.5. Also a few new squeaky toys.

Oh, she also got to go in her NEWEST car to McDonald’s to get the burgers. She loves her rides and looking around the McDonald’s parking lot.

So, she had a good time & good day. Braxton lucked out too. So a good day for the dogs.

Last year. Her 2nd birthday.

‘Rowen’, Our 2-Year Old ‘Newfie’, Enjoying The Cool After What Was An Atypically HOT Day.

by Anura Guruge
on June 3, 2023

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Yesterday was BRUTALLY & atypically hot in New Hampshire. We were nearly at 90F (32C). Then around 6pm the heat broke, we got some rain (though not that much) & the temps. plummeted. We, luckily, did not get any lightning though there was some low, rumbles for thunder, off and on, for nearly 2 hours. These pictures were taken around midnight. It was NICE & cool. She was loving it. I let her stay out & YES, she is ALLOWED to lie on & trample the plants! She rule. That is the rule. Rowen rules.

It Was “Rowen’s” 2nd Birthday & She Got To Go To ‘Fort Williams’ (Maine), Have “McDonald’s” Double Cheeseburgers & Got 4 New Squeaky Toys.

by Anura Guruge
on November 30, 2022

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She is a bit spoilt. Not much. Par for the course for this household.

She actually really like ‘Fort Williams‘. She has been going there since she was a baby. It a dog friendly park, by the ocean & on most days there are lots of dogs for her to socialize with. Plus, other than today when it was raining & there was hardly anyone there, she always gets people stopping to admire her — & talk to her. She loves that. So, we took her to Fort Williams despite the rain. Three of us got wet but had a good time. It was WARM. Upper 40s — not bad at all, at all, for the last day of November.

On the way we stopped at a McDonald’s & got her (& Braxton) cheeseburgers. She gets a double because she is a big girl.

She got 2 of her toys (wrapped (of course)) before she left & the other two when we came back. What can I say. I organized the trip & went & got the burgers. The rest was done by her OWNER (which is not I).

The Newfie Equivalent Of Our ‘Flowers In Your Hair’ Is A Leaf Under The Chin.

by Anura Guruge
on November 19, 2022

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It is Fall & we do have lots of fallen leaves on the ground. She somehow managed to get this solitary leaf stuck to her fir, under her chin.

Didn’t bother her. She seemed kind of proud of it. Wore it like a necklace.

I had to capture it for posterity — so I can show it to her years later! SMILE.

‘Rowen’, Our ‘Newfie’, Checking Out Her New Car — & Seems To Approve.

by Anura Guruge
on October 30, 2022

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While it (i.e., the Mazda CX-30 I leased last month) will be our back-up car, its main purpose is to be Rowen’s transport. Yes, for the last 7 or 8 years we have had a car for the dogs. Not as crazy or extravagant as it might initially sound. Given our beach access we tend to have very WET DOGS during much of the year — & even in the winter they can manage to get soaked in snow. Transporting wet dogs is messy. Hence, having a car that we are willing to get — & more importantly, stay — dirty.

Yes, this is a brand new car. Hence the three layers of covers in the back (& no, you can’t see the seat cover that is on the folded back seat).

This car is going to be set up like this all the time — or that is the goal. Back seat folded, grill up & multiple protective cars at the back. Rowen appeared to like it. It is the SMALLEST of the cars she is used to. She takes up the entire back space. When I look in the rearview mirror I only see dog. Good job I can use the side mirrors & in a pinch the rearview camera.

It took me over a month to get around to getting all of the back set-up per what I wanted. Finally got it done this afternoon. Now the Mazda CX-30 is Rowen-ready & Rowen-proof.

‘Rowen’, Our 23-Month ‘Newfie’ (Newfoundland) ‘Landseer’ Was Ready For Her Close-Ups.

by Anura Guruge
on October 29, 2022

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Taken with a proper, albeit old, CAMERA (with a good (i.e., expensive) lens) rather than a phone. I was messing around with my old Canon Rebel T3i, from 8-years ago, BEFORE I packed it up to send to ‘KEH Camera‘ so they would take it off my hands.

I didn’t ask her to pose. She came out with me, as she invariably does because she is my shadow. Then she sat & was watching me. She has not seen me with a camera, & the T3i with the zoom lens I had on it are hard to miss.

Live, Non-Stop, Streaming Action Entertainment For Our Special ‘Newfie’ (Newfoundland), ‘Rowen’.

by Anura Guruge
on September 30, 2022

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We had an A/C unit in that window during most of the summer. Took it down last weekend. Put this window bird feeder & provided ‘Rowen‘ with a stool so that he can stand up — to get a better view. She is tall enough, but the stool makes it easier for her & she looks even more CUTE.

Though we put ‘anti-squirrel’ seeds in the feeder it does not prevent squirrels & chipmunks helping themselves. So, she has a diversity of entertainment. The squirrels, with their busy tails & their arrogant impertinence towards her intrigue her the most. The birds appear to mellow her.

We get a kick watching her. Non-stop entertainment & it is basically FREE since we feed the birds, squirrels, chipmunks & the occasional bears independent of the Rowen-entertainment factor.


A Special Sunset For A Special ‘Newfie’ (Newfoundland).

by Anura Guruge
on September 9, 2022

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Today’s sunset at our beach.

We go down to the beach most evening about 30-minutes ahead of sunset. Today’s sunset was special.

As usual I was lying on a beach lounger. Rowen (that is her) typically sits by it. This time she was directly in line between I & the setting sun. So, I couldn’t resist taking these pictures. Enjoy.

‘Rowen’ (Our Newfie) Goes Kayaking For The First Time.

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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Though she is now going down to our lake (viz. ‘Halfmoon‘) twice a day — once in the morning & then late evening — this was the FIRST time with a kayak. This was my first time in a kayak this year & last year I did kayak at all (supposedly saving myself for Stand-up Paddle Boarding though that didn’t happen either).

But, we got the kayak, finally, to the beach this evening. It is stored there now. So, I will probably do more kayaking in the coming days.

Rowen was intrigued. She had seen others in canoes & kayaks before BUT she had steadfastly ignored them. Like it was below her dignity to try & investigate what they were. But I on the water, at eye-level, was a different matter. She followed the kayak — basically the same way she typically follows me most places. My fluffy shadow. It was cute.