Tag Archives: Newfie

A 110 Pound ‘Newfie’ Puppy, Our ‘Rowen’, In Her Supposed Element, i.e., Water.

by Anura Guruge
on May 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. YouTube video below.

Newfies, i.e., Newfoundlands, are supposed to be water dogs.

Rowen’, our 110 lbs (or thereabouts), 19-month old Newfie pup (from Iowa) though she loves water and likes to be wet, is NOT that much of a swimmer. We have had a load of Goldens & they loved to swim. You only had to show them water & they would go bounding along to swim. NOT SO Rowen.

She will, most times, just go in a bit & lap the water. She basically likes to PADDLE in water, i.e., walk around in shallow water. She can swim, but it is very much, in her case, take it or leave it.

She goes by a lake, our lake, nearly every day. She will go in & get her belly wet BUT that is about it.

But, there is this little pool on one of our walks. She loves that pool. She will swim in it. So, that is the above video.

There is a huge drainage culvert feeding that pool. She can walk through it, under the road. She loves doing that. When you see her disappear, that is where she has gone. She has gone into explore it. I was expecting her to come out of the other side. That is why you see the camera shift. But, she came back.

Once when we had had heavy raid & the pipe was gushing she got washed out of the pipe. It was like she had come out of a water slide. She went SAILING out of the pipe into the pool. Didn’t bother her much.

From two days ago — BEFORE her walk, waiting for me to get out of bed.

A 110 Pound ‘Newfie’ Puppy Chasing A Butterfly In A Meadow — YouTube Video.

by Anura Guruge
on May 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. YouTube video below.

Rowen’, our 110 lbs (or thereabouts), 19-month old Newfoundland (‘Newfie’) pup from Iowa is a constant delight. Always up to something.

This was this morning during her 2-hour, 4-mile(+) walk. This is a fairly large grass area ahead of our beach. I had her on her leash as their were some folks around. Most of the time, in this area, she is off leash. She saw the butterfly & tugged. I let her go. She is on a choker, so I could, within reason, restrain her IF I had to. But, I let her go. Didn’t have time to remove the leash. She didn’t care.

She chases butterflies and falling leaves DAILY.

She also goes swimming. She is a JOY.

From two days ago — BEFORE her walk, waiting for me to get out of bed.

This Is What Trust, Confidence & Contentment Looks Like.

by Anura Guruge
on May 22, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. The rags, rope, doll, etc. behind her head are her toys in THIS room. She has a collection in nearly every room of the house. This happens to be the main bedroom.

This is ‘Rowen’, our 110 lbs (or thereabouts), 19-month old Newfoundland (‘Newfie’) pup from Iowa.

She does this most mornings. No care in the world. Sleeps like that too. In the mornings, though, she is hoping that she will get a belly rub — & she gets her wishes most of the time. She is MY GIRL. She is a good girl. As tame as they come.

I Had 9 Ticks On Me Today; In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Just two of the nine. I did not have the time nor inclination to take pictures of the others. Too busy getting rid of them. The one of the left, was on my hat. There were 4 others on the hat.

This was pretty amazing, SCARY & discouraging.

Just yesterday I found the first tick of 2022 on I — as opposed to one of the dogs.

Then, today — nine. 9. NINE?

Not amused.

But, it was MY FAULT. I had not factored them in. Given that I had not encountered one till yesterday, I was NOT thinking ‘ticks’. So, today, I had gone into the woods &, moreover, had done some scrambling about in the brush! I was looking for moss! My mistake.

First saw one on my hat. It was moving & the movement caught my eye. That is the first picture above.

4 on my body. Found three still scurrying about. Got those off BEFORE my shower. Then, while on my PC, head started itching. Yes, you got it. Yes, it was a tick, & it was kind of semi-attached. I yanked it off with a chunk of hair.

I get a dozen or more tick bites a year — & have done for years.

Not sure IF I have acquired any immunity. I hope so.

But, what can I do. I live in New Hampshire & do a LOT of walking on rural roads & trails.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

The 1st Tick Of 2022 On I; In Central New Hampshire (i.e., Alton).

by Anura Guruge
on May 13, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. One I picked off my neck this morning & put on top of my tablet
so I can take a picture.

Click to ENLARGE. Tick me picked off our Newfie, ‘Rowen‘ on April 3, 2022.

Picked the first tick of 2022 off a dog 7 weeks ago.

Unlike the dogs, I don’t take any pills or wear a collar for ticks.

I do try to wear some clothes for a degree of protection.

But, that hadn’t worked today — after our usual, daily walk. I felt something on my neck. I knew at once what it was. I picked it out. And that is the story. SMILE.

So, a heads up. Be on the lookout for ticks.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

I Walked All The Way Across The Entire Length Of ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) Today.

by Anura Guruge
on March 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

I have been walking on ‘Halfmoon Lake‘ since December 28, 2021 of THIS winter. To start with I, for obvious reasons, stayed close to the shore. As the winter progressed & the ice got thicker I ventured further out. Walking conditions had NOT been ideal. Either no snow coverage to provide traction or too much snow making it hard (without snowshoes).

Today, after some light snowstorms walking conditions were tolerable. So, I decided to walk at least a mile. The initial zig-zags indicate my tactics for tackling snow. I walk on ‘packed’ snowmobile tracks. The ‘slightly’ compressed snow limits the amount I sink into the snow. I try to follow the most compacted tracks. I zig-zag along until I find a good track. That is what I did today.

Once I did the 1-mile I was 3/4 of the way across. So, I continued. It was FUN.

We, i.e., Rowen & I, had the ENTIRE lake to ourselves. We like it that way.

Newfie, 1-Year Old, Takes The January 2022 ‘Bombogenesis’ Nor’Easter In Her Stride.

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by Anura Guruge
on January 29, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Snow does not faze her. She likes snow. The 12F to 19F (-11C to -7) temperature is WARM to her. She has layers of fur. She likes the cold. If we let her she will sit out, in snow storms, for hours! But, we don’t — not because of her, but because it bothers us.

She also likes her walks — actually her hikes. We live in the sticks, on a dirt road with dirt roads all around us. Don’t get much traffic even when it is not snowing. A day like today, we saw 2 vehicles in 2 hours! So she gets to roam around. She knows the roads. She comes when I call.

I did 11,000 steps (4-miles) in two hours. She, of course, did more. Probably 5 or 6 miles. When we got home she sat at the door. No desire to rush in!

In 2021, Despite COVID, I Did A Fair Amount Of Travelling, All Per COVID Protocols + The 3,214 Miles I Walked.

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From Google — per my timeline.

Click to ENLARGE. From Google. Too long trips + multiple trips to Maine & Massachusetts.

My 3,200 steps in 2021 — click for my post.

Yes, I was, of course, aware that I had made two long trips; one, 2,700-miles, to Iowa to pickup ‘Rowen‘ our Newfie pup & the other, in September (as is my wont) to Shenandoah (for the second year running). Then there was my usual trips to Maine & in 2021 all the numerous trips to Boston to do with my cataract surgeries (& follow ups). But, until I got Google’s annual summary of my timeline I had no idea that I been by 85 cities. I sure know I didn’t visit that many. But, if Google says so, I guess I must have been through them. Neat.

What is pretty amazing is that I assiduously adhered to all the prevailing COVID protocols! So, during the January Iowa trip, we did not stay overnight in NY or PA so as to honor their COVID requirements.

By the time of the other trips, I had been vaccinated — as of March 6, 2021. So, that helped.

Wonder how 2022 will pan out. Haven’t travelled any, even to Boston, this Yikes.

Ambling Across Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) — This Morning, January 10, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on January 10, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

This was NOT the first time we ventured onto our lake, viz., ‘Halfmoon‘, this winter (i.e., 2021 — 2022). We, i.e., Rowen & I, had tentatively gone in a bit on two weeks ago.

Then the lake had not been frozen for long & I wasn’t exactly sure of the ice conditions.

Now, things are different. We have had quite (a brutal) cold spell. It is a shallow lake. It is frozen good. So we ventured out about a mile — straight in. Had the lake ALL to ourselves. That is invariably the case. It is nice to have a whole lake to yourself. Rowen loves it.

It was cold. There was quite the breeze. I think the wind chill, in Fahrenheit, was in the low single digits. But, we had fun.

Now that we have started we will most likely walk the lake multiple times a week. So, stay tuned.

It is fun. Come & join us. No tickets required.

First Time Venturing Onto Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’, This Winter, I.E., 2021 — 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on December 28, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

One of the FEW things that make the bitter & interminable Central New Hampshire winters enjoyable — hiking on empty FROZEN lakes, in this case my local ‘Halfmoon‘.

Today, for the first time this winter (i.e., 2021 – 2022), I saw footprints on the lake. Wow. I, having fallen into frozen lakes 5 times in my adult life, never to be the first to venture onto a frozen lake. I, especially in my old age, prefer others to check out the strength of the ice. Typically I wait until I see snowmobile tracks going way out into the lake. If the ice supported a 1,500 lbs snowmobile it is likely to be able to carry my 150 lbs.

Today there was plenty of snowmobile tracks on the beach & surrounds but none on the lake. Hhhmm. But, there was a lot of footprints. Plus, having lived by this lake for the last 14 years, & swum in it most Summers, I do know it quite well. It is VERY shallow for the first 100, if not 200, yards — & I am talking less than waist high. Moreover, given this atypical shallowness (for a lake) Halfmoon tends to freeze faster, harder & thicker than larger, deeper lakes.

So, I gave it a spin — with Rowen, the Newfie. We didn’t go too far out as you can see from the GPS track above. But, it felt good. As is often the case, had the lake all to ourselves. We BOTH appreciate that.

I went & checked posts from prior years. This about 10 days EARLIER than in prior winters. Interesting.