Tag Archives: new price

The NEW Post-Split Google (GOOG) Shares Are Already In My Account, Priced At $112.767; Options NOT Repriced As Yet.

by Anura Guruge
on July 16, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From one of my accounts at ‘Fidelity‘.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Fidelity’.

Click to ENLARGE. Underlying chart (as ever) from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

No surprises. Exactly as I had expected — & to be fair we already had a preview of the process with the Amazon (AMZN) split in June. So I knew what to expect — & it was also interesting that unlike with the AMZN split Fidelity didn’t bother to send me an e-mail with a schedule of what will happen re. the stock & options, following the SPLIT-DAY market close.

I nailed the new, post-split price BUT that is nothing to gloat about. It was going to be 1/20th of yesterday’s (i.e., July 15th) market close price. So, $112.77 (rounded up to 2-decimal points).

Here is something WILD. I included the AMZN share price (above) so you can see the two prices side-by-side. They are ONLY 78 cents apart. AMZN costs 78 cents more than GOOG. Wow.

On November 14, 2021, (using post split prices in BOTH cases) AMZN was $184, GOOG was $150. A $34 dollar gap. This is now down to $0.78! AMZN has gone down a LOT, much more than has GOOG.

Google (GOOG) Stock Split Is DONE. Stock Will Open Monday $112.77. Stock Down $502 Since Split Announced!

by Anura Guruge
on July 15, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Underlying chart (as ever) from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

GOOG 2022 Stock Split Calendar — Split Date Was Today, July 15.

Click to ENLARGE

So, it has finally happened, 5 months & 2 weeks (164 days) after the announcement, GOOG has at last split — 20-to-1. The split is taking place, across computers around the world, even as I type. Tomorrow morning the new split shares will be in accounts (IF you are lucky enough to have owned GOOG). [Yes, I have owned GOOG, though alas not that many, for many, many years.]

That GOOG went down $502 (18.2%) between the February 1, 2022 and today’s split is hard to believe. Many thought that GOOG will go up as the split approach — as had been the case with previous splits of popular shares. But, alas, this is 2022 with its horrendous (once in 40-year) inflation & the consequent interest rate hikes.

Amazon (AMZN), the other, BIG stop slit of 2022 (to-date), also saw its share price plummeting ahead of the split. It hasn’t done that well after the split either. Even today, nearly 6 weeks AFTER the split, AMZN is BELOW, well BELOW, the split price! This has some GOOG shareholders worried — as they should. To be honest, I am NOT that concerned. At my advanced age, with over 40 years stock investing in the rearview mirror, I understand that the market goes up & down & that it will eventually start rising after a fall & vice versa. Plus, my big thing is OPTION TRADING — actually that is an addiction. Now with this 20-to-1 stock split I will finally be able to do option trades on GOOG. WOW. Yes, I never had 100 shares of GOOG. But, I will after tomorrow. Actually I will have more than 200 … {SMILE} As some of you know, my BIG share holding is in AMZN & I have no regrets. {SMILE}

So, here is to the GOOG 2022 20-to-1 SPLIT. Cheers. Keep your fingers crossed. It will start going up someday — & then it will go up, quite a bit, for some time. That is a given.

I Gave You A Heads-Up That Amazon (AMZN) Share Price Could Drop Below $115 2-Days Ago. Did You Take Heed? Next Stop $99.

by Anura Guruge
on June 10, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Link to original post.

I can’t really gloat (let alone take much credit) since this was SO, SO ELEMENTARY.

IF CPI ran hot, even slightly, the market was going to go down. That is obvious. Inflation is still running high. You can see it all around us. So, I had a fairly good hunch that CPI will come in slightly higher than estimates. It did. The market tanked. QED.

It is good that AMZN has gone down, this much, since Monday’s split. The newbies to AMZN that piled in after the split have to learn their lessons. AMZN stock is volatile & it does not defy gravity.

I suspect that quite a few got caught in a margin squeeze. They borrowed against margin to buy AMZN and with stocks going down they are being asked to repay some of the margin they borrowed. So, they have to sell stock, in a hurry, including their new purchased AMZN shares to raise the cash. That sends AMZN prices even lower.

I will now NOT be surprised if we see AMZN trading BELOW $100 in the next month. SMILE. [Don’t worry about me. Thanks. I am OK. I am an options trader. SMILE.]

It Is GOOD That Amazon (AMZN) Share Price Is BELOW That Of The 20-to-1 SPLIT Price On Monday!

by Anura Guruge
on June 8, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart (as ever) is from ‘MarketWatch.com‘ (with thanks).
Click to ENLARGE.

It is NOT down much, just in the 1% range, BUT this is GOOD.


1/ It is a salutary lesson to all the NEWBIES piling into the stock, now that they can finally afford it, that AMZN is volatile. It goes up, down & sideways. You get into AMZN for the long-haul. So, this is not much of a drop, but it will make the newbies appreciate that they are not going to see AMZN going up each day.

There is a good chance that AMZN might go down even further, into the $115 range, if Friday’s CPI (Consumer Product Index) number shows that inflation is NOT abating. The market could go down taking AMZN with it. So, it is good to realize that the SPLIT price of $122.35 was NOT, & is NOT, a firm bottom.

Prior to the end of the year we can see AMZN both BELOW $116 & ABOVE $150.

This time next year I expect it to be sniffing at $200. (SMILE).

2/ This small drop gives some a chance to get in WITHOUT thinking they missed the boat. That is good. But, now they will get in understanding that AMZN will go down as well as up.

Chance for folks like us, long-term holders, to NIBBLE. SMILE.

3/ It is GREAT for option traders (like I). SMILE. When you trade options (cannily) it doesn’t matter if the underlying stock goes up or down! You just want it to move in one direction or the other. SMILE.

Amazon (AMZN) SPLIT: I Now Have The New Shares In My Account, Priced At $122.35. (Options Pending.)

by Anura Guruge
on June 4, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

Well, it is well & truly DONE. The split is HISTORY. We move on; forward & UPWARD.

Amusing that the options have NOT been re-priced as yet. I had heard that some options might NOT be re-priced till Tuesday, June 7, 2022. No big deal.

So, the option I show above is priced at $2,850 — for July 1, 2022. [SMILE. As I tell folks I am NOT GREEDY. ‘Slightly’ (which is very relative (in my case)) cautious when it comes to my sacrosanct cache of AMZN stock. I don’t want to get caught in a quick updraft. So, I give myself a LOT OF RUNWAY. Well, I was ultra-cautious the last few weeks with the split.]

This will get repriced to $142.50.

Yes, the same 20-to-1.

It, however, changes the DYNAMICS of option trading.

Prior to the split I had a $400 buffer between current price & MY CALL.

Post split this buffer is $20.

In terms of % it is still the same; 16%.

But, you can see how & why the dynamics shift. Takes a BIT to get a stock, even AMZN to go up $400 in a day of two.

Not so with $20! Just mentality.

So, I might have to ROLL it forward over the next few days. Need to see what the prices are.

But, I also now have 20 TIMES MORE OPTIONS.

Yes, I can’t wipe the grin from my face. I can get into so much mischief. SMILE.

I only have three addictions & luckily for me they are ALL HEALTHY. Red wine & option trading are two. SMILE.

Amazon (AMZN) NOW SPLIT Will Start Trading Monday, June 6, 2022, At New Price Of $122 — $123.

by Anura Guruge
on June 3, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & study. Base graph from ‘MarketWatch.com‘ (with thanks).

Click to ENLARGE & study. The SPLIT is DONE. DONE!

It is DONE. Done. Price can’t change. The final close on Friday, June 3, 2022, was somewhere in the $2,447 to $2,451 range.

20-to-1 split. So, you get 19 additional shares for each one you own, BUT the price goes down by 1/20th. Hence, the $122/$123 price.

That is pretty attractive. You can now own a 100 AMZNs for $12,000. That is a bargain.

We will see MAJOR down says. Interest rates hikes are far from done. So, AMZN will still take some major knocks. But, by this time next year it should be close to $180. Mark my word.

Those of us who own AMZN should see the post-split shares in our accounts on Saturday, June 4, 2022.