Tag Archives: native

We Could Have The 1st FEMALE NATIVE AMERICAN Governor, IF ‘Tim Walz’ Becomes V.P. — But Not Sure Native Americans Get This.

by Anura Guruge
on August 11, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia.

When I first heard about this, fleetingly this morning, on ‘MSNBC‘, I thought she would be the FIRST Native American Governor IF ‘Tim Walz‘ gets elected Vice President (i.e., ‘Kamala Harris‘ gets elected President over ‘Trump‘). That got me excited. Wow. A Native American Governor.

Then on doing more research, as is my wont, I discovered, to my AMAZEMENT, that we have already had two (yes, 2) Native American Governors — both in Oklahoma.

The first was ‘Johnston Murray‘ way, way back in 1951 (before I was born). I had no idea. WOW.

The second is ‘Kevin Stitt‘ who became Governor quite recently in 2019. He is a Republican. I will also confess he doesn’t appear to have any Indian in him. Not sure what the criteria is to be defined ‘native’ in Oklahoma.

So, Flanagan has precedent, but not when it comes to being female.

As some of you know I try to spend time with Native Americans — if possible on reservations. So, I got to know them, SOME. Many of them, especially on reservations, don’t fall into the ‘college educated’ bracket. They are also what I would consider deep thinkers.

That is my concern right now. Whether Native Americans, across the country, know about and APPRECIATE the Peggy Flanagan possibility. I don’t think many will KNOW — or care. Pity. SHAME.

A lot of Native Americans are Republicans. They voted for Trump. I know. I talked to them about it.

I hope some folks will try to educate them on what they can achieve. But, I doubt it. Shame.

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Pow Wows Makes Me SAD!

by Anura Guruge
on July 17, 2024

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I guess I am getting too sentimental & philosophical in my undoubted old age.

I have been going to Pow Wows for quite a few years — and have been to quite a few in both New Hampshire & Maine.

But, I have come to realize and appreciate that they make me SAD!

Yes, it is because I do have an affinity to American Indians (though in the last year some of my ‘feelings’ have changed  when it comes to at least one tribe in Maine). Since 1980 I have tried to spend as much time as I can in reservations, in Arizona & Maine, trying to get to know some ‘locals’. I am very fond of the ‘Navajos‘. Something about them. They still have bearing and pride.

So, what is it about Pow Wows that make me sad. It is primarily the IRONY.

The regalia, traditions and dancing represents what they have, for centuries, believed to be their ‘power’. The things that would protect them. Obviously, they didn’t. I, more than most, know the depravations and degradations inflicted on the natives by the Europeans. But, still THEY DANCE. They pay homage to the elders up there. All good. But, it crosses my mind that it never did them any good — over the last 300 years.

Plus, especially in New Hampshire & southern Maine I am not convinced that even 40% of those taking part in the Pow Wows have even 25% Indian in them! Yes, I have talked to some about that.

Just makes me sad. Plus, their health. That distresses me know end. I won’t even talk about their teeth. All sad. Sad. I wish things were different.

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‘Are You Native?’ — I Haven’t Been Asked That In 40 Years.

by Anura Guruge
on July 16, 2024

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Wow. I got asked that, this Sunday, at the ‘Mt. Kearsarge’ Pow Wow. They were going to give me free entry. Funny thing is that I had joked about it when I had seen that Native Americans got free entrance. Despite that I was taken back. WOW. Yes, I was probably the only 100% brown person there. SMILE.

In the early 1980s, when I was 40lbs heavier (& as such had a very FAT face), folks in Arizona just assumed I was ‘Navajo‘. I used to spend a fair amount of time on reservations and they thought I was native.

A few years ago, while I was still heavier, while visiting my BELOVED ‘Canyon de Chelly‘, I was told by Navajos that I would never get stopped if I entered the Canyon without a permit. ‘You look like one of us‘.

But, now I am not as fat I did not think I could pass as a native. Neat.

Not sure I want to be thought of as a LOCAL native!

I have a BOND with the Navajo. Though I KNOW more local natives I still don’t have the same degree of affinity! SMILE.

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