Tag Archives: National Sunglasses Day

‘National Sunglasses Day’, June 27 — But You Should Wear Them Every Day To HELP YOUR EYES!

by Anura Guruge
on June 26, 2023

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Anyone who knows me will KNOW that I am NEVER WITHOUT sunglasses. I need them. My eyes are particularly sensitive to glare. But, now, after 55-years of DAILY USE it is second nature.

You will NEVER see me outdoors, during the day, WITHOUT a pair of sunglasses. I wear sunglasses 365/366 days a year — & I live in the Arctic Circle where in the winter we hardly see the Sun! But, that doesn’t deter me. I wear my SHADES.

Many an eye doctor has commented on what a FAVOR I have done for MY EYES (& as such myself). Wearing sunglasses, daily, protects your eyes. Reduces wear-&-tear.

I started wearing shades, DAILY, when I was 15. Yes, I will readily admit that way back it was an AFFECTATION — my ego & my vanity. I had to wear glasses & I wanted them to look like shades. So, I had them tinted as dark as possible.

When I was in my early 30s it was discovered that I have ‘mild’ keratoconus — i.e., keratoconus that DID NOT REQUIRE SURGERY. And NO the keratoconus had nothing to do with me wearing dark glasses. From what they know they think it is genetical to a degree — and, at worst, may be caused by excessive rubbing of eyes! [No, spanking-the-monkey, luckily, is not a factor.] But, keratoconus makes your eyes very sensitive to light & glared. So, using shades helps — & in my case became a MUST.

I tell folks all the time to wear shades.

I give people sunglasses (for free) to wear. At any given time I have 20 or so sunglasses! I have at least 7 in my car! I never want to be caught short.