Tag Archives: narrative

Surprised That “Larry McMurty’s” ‘Berrybender Narratives’ Have Not Been Made Into A ‘Netflix’ Miniseries.

by Anura Guruge
on October 26, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. For ‘Amazon’ listing.

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Wikipedia‘.

Lonesome Dove‘, which I read 20-years AFTER it was published, blew me away. I don’t need to sing its praises. It has been a resounding success both in print & on TV. I know I read at least two of the other 3 in the series — though I thought the 1st, i.e., Lonesome Dove, was the best.

I am just about to finish LISTENING to the entire 4 volumes of the ‘Berrybender‘ series. It was great to listen to. A huge, varied & fascinating cast of characters. At first I had to carry around a list of the names to keep track. {That, alas, is one of the drawbacks of audiobooks. You can’t easily flip back to check on names or anything else.}

Amazing story. Yes, it is fiction. So, he can rein free. I am not sure whether this superb yarn is even partly based on reality. Doesn’t matter. Quite the story. Lot of violence, tons of deaths & an ABUNDANCE of SEX! Very salacious — with lots of talk about sex, incessantly.

I see that his works have had tremendous success as movies & TV series. {Refer to the Wikipedia entry.} The Berrybender Narrative would make a wonderful Netflix miniseries. I am surprised it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe this post will get someone thinking. I would have thought that his ‘estate’ would have been agitating to get something like this done.

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