Tag Archives: MSNBC

The DOJ’s Weekend Machinations Re. ‘Biden’ Witness ‘Devon Archer’ Is Disturbing & Annoying.

by Anura Guruge
on July 31, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Link to the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ coverage.

This story, especially these two letters sent to a judge, this LAST WEEKEND, hasn’t been covered by ‘CNN‘ or ‘MSNBC‘ — at least as far as my viewing was concerned. It got a fair amount of coverage over the last 48-hours on the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (which I read, online, a few times a day) & today (i.e., Monday) on the ‘Fox’ channels.

This story is worth checking out.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent, YOU have to ask yourself whether YOU would have got this kind of pell-mell attention, over a WEEKEND, by DOJ lawyers IF you were in a bind. That is what is at stake here.

Does Biden get preferential treatment from the DOJ? That is the question.

This sorry episode would indicate that he sure does.

That angers I.

I like Biden, though I think that he is now TOO OLD & should not be running for a second term.

This is NOT right.

Something is drastically wrong.

Check this story out. You should be disturbed & angry TOO.

I File FCC Complaint Against ‘TDS’ For Its CONTINUED Blocking Of ‘Liberal’ MSNBC!

by Anura Guruge
on July 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Click image to access my post from 9-days ago.

So, today, I have picture BUT NO AUDIO. Last week the channel was totally BLACK — no picture, no sound.

All the other channels, like always, work FINE. Just MSNBC.

You can clearly tell that this is targeted. Just MSNBC — & specifically the ‘Morning Joe‘ show.

I called TDS. Eventually talked to a supervisor. They think it is funny.

So, I had no option. I filed the above complaint.

I am NOT going to let this go.

PLEASE help me. Thanks.

‘TDS’ Imposed TV Censorship — TDS Is Blocking Access To ‘Liberal’ MSNBC!

by Anura Guruge
on June 29, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. I took these pictures to demonstrate the 30-min. issue.

MSNBC‘, during mornings, especially the ‘Morning Joe‘ talk show, is REGULARLY BLOCKED by ‘TDS Telecom‘ on their ‘TDS TV’ & ‘TDS TV+‘ services.

It is not a temporary technical glitch. I thought that the first few times I saw that MSNBC was unavailable.

BUT, I now realize that it happens TOO OFTEN, too regularly — like most mornings!

All the other cable channels work, & work OK — i.e., CNN, HLN, Fox, Fox Business, CNBC.

Only channel that is BLACK — no video, no audio, is MSNBC.

Plus, I notice that MSNBC magically comes back on at 10am as soon as ‘Morning Joe’ finishes.


Just like TDS. I will have to see who I can report this to.

Not right. Censorship.

MSNBC Allows Liberal Use Of The ‘P-Word’ (As In ‘P*ss’ & ‘P*ssing) — To My Amazement & Amusement.

by Anura Guruge
on February 11, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘MSNBC’, of course.

This was on today’s (i.e., 02/11/2023) 9am show. ‘Velshi’ was out & someone else was hosting it. I can’t remember his name. He & the first guest he had kept on using the P-word & its variants with abandon & impunity. I had thought that the p-word was still not allowed on TV. Though kids know it well, it is not a word you want them to start bandying about while they are still young.

I was taken back, but amused. Strange.

Why Is The U.S. Airlifting Non-Military SUVs From Kabul On Passenger-Carrying Evacuation Planes — THIS Week?

by Anura Guruge
on August 25, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Photo from 1pm MSNBC ‘MTP Daily’ show.

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Independent’. Click here for full article.

I had MSNBC, the ‘Chuck Todd’ ‘MTP Daily‘ show on, at 1pm, while I was getting dressed.

I saw the above image. I did a double take. I rewound the (automatic) DVR. Watched it again. I had to go get my phone so I could get the above shot.

Ah? WTF? It doesn’t look very special. Looks like somebody’s personal SUV — a Japanese of Korean. [I can’t make out the logo but it looks like a Toyota or KIA.]

This does not make sense. Why bother to airlift a ‘nothing special’ SUV when the U.S. left behind aircrafts, helicopters and Humvees?

This just does NOT make sense. It is incongruous to say the least.

It is taking up space that could have been used to accomodate people? Does it belong to a high-ranking Afghan? If so, what strings did he/she have to pull to get a SUV airlifted? Does not make sense.

This should be investigated.

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