Tag Archives: minority

I Started Wearing A Mask AGAIN — August 2, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on August 2, 2021

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Given my advanced age & increasing frailty I really cannot afford to take a chance. I don’t want to end up in hospital having trouble breathing. Had asthma growing up & spent enough time in hospital gasping for breath.

I am THEORETICALLY vaccinated. But, as I have maintained from Day 1, I really don’t think they gave a dose of proper vaccine — J&J (or otherwise). I had zero (& I mean zero) side effects. That first night, I was rubbing my arm to see if I would feel anything. NADA. Nothing. It was as if they didn’t even puncture me with a needle. Well, they did give me an injection — BUT I am convinced that it was SALINE. I call it the special vaccination brand for non-essential minorities such as I. SMILE. Hey, it is OK. I have had a lifetime to get used to the discrimination.

This was March 2021. Vaccines were still at a premium. They didn’t want to WASTE a dose on some useless, colored guy. Give him a fake dose & send him home. With luck he will catch COVID & die. SMILE.

So, I decided to start wearing a mask again. I was surprised at how many others were wearing masks too.