Tag Archives: McDonald's

U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ Refers To “McDonald’s” As A JUNK FOOD Restaurant! {Wow – A Bit Stiff.}

by Anura Guruge
on May 10, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. News clips of the incident, i.e., shooting, from ‘Google News‘.

This really is a Freudian Slip as opposed to a typo per se.

McDonald’s is NOT going to be amused — assuming they actually care about what is said in the ‘Daily Mail‘, though we know that folks in the U.S. sure do read it (e.g., Foreman of Trump’s jury).

Amazing that they don’t catch these howlers. A sad sign of the times — the need to continually RUSH story to the media.

I had to share this with YOU. Enjoy.

‘Rowen’ — 3-Years Since We Got Her & She Changed Our Lives For The Better.

by Anura Guruge
on January 27, 2024

Click images to ENLARGE.

Yes, as with her birthday, she got cheeseburgers from “McDonald’s”.

Tieschan, whose dog she THINKS it is, calls this Rowen’s ‘adoption day’. Not sure if that is the right word. It, however, sure was the day she came into our lives and changed it, profoundly, for the better.

Teischan decided she wanted a Newfie & she found her on the Web — in Iowa, 1,350-miles from here. We drove, during the height of COVID, in mid-winter, to go get her — in a rented SUV. Proved to be an amazing road trip. Lucked out with the weather in what was a 6-day trip. We were either ahead or behind a snowstorm. It turned out to be a 2,700-mile trip with a slight detour to Niagara Falls.

So, that is where we are. THIRD ANNIVERSARY of the dog that changed my life. Not the first I have had. Probably the fifteenth or so, & my first Newfie. I was into Goldens and had had 7 goldens in a row.

It Was “Rowen’s” 3rd Birthday & She Got A Birthday Cake, “McDonald’s” Cheeseburgers & New Squeaky Toys.

by Anura Guruge
on November 30, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

She didn’t, this year, get to go to her favorite place, outside of here, i.e., ‘Fort Williams‘. We had some important commitments that could not be moved around.

Instead she got a special Doggie Birthday Cake, from Boston, plus the traditional burgers. This year she got 2.5. Also a few new squeaky toys.

Oh, she also got to go in her NEWEST car to McDonald’s to get the burgers. She loves her rides and looking around the McDonald’s parking lot.

So, she had a good time & good day. Braxton lucked out too. So a good day for the dogs.

Last year. Her 2nd birthday.

The “McDonald’s” Limited-Time ‘Cheesy Jalapeño Bacon Quarter Pounder’ (QPC) Is So, So Good — I Could Easily Become Addicted (But, Alas, I Won’t).

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For McDonald’s listing.

Yesterday, when I went to get the cheeseburgers for Braxton’s 10th birthday I saw a BIG, display poster for this QPC burger. I am a SUCKER for jalapeño. I don’t think a day goes by when I don’t eat some jalapeños in some for or other. I buy three to four large ones every week.

So, I ordered one QPC. It wasn’t cheap. McDonald’s is getting expensive. Inflation.

It was so, so GOOD. Divine. Wow.

I scraped the mustard off the bun (or most of it) & gave it to the dogs. They know that I give them most of my buns from any/all fast food I get.

I could eat a FEW, each & every day. It is that good. To, I, addictive.

But, I have learned from long & bitter experience, that when it comes to food, IF I like it, THEN it MUST be bad for I. So, I will have to use restrain. I probably won’t have one for another few weeks. Plus, they are expensive & I am POOR. So, have to watch my budget, even when it comes to food. It is NOT easy being I.

But, you definitely should try it.

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It Was “Rowen’s” 2nd Birthday & She Got To Go To ‘Fort Williams’ (Maine), Have “McDonald’s” Double Cheeseburgers & Got 4 New Squeaky Toys.

by Anura Guruge
on November 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

She is a bit spoilt. Not much. Par for the course for this household.

She actually really like ‘Fort Williams‘. She has been going there since she was a baby. It a dog friendly park, by the ocean & on most days there are lots of dogs for her to socialize with. Plus, other than today when it was raining & there was hardly anyone there, she always gets people stopping to admire her — & talk to her. She loves that. So, we took her to Fort Williams despite the rain. Three of us got wet but had a good time. It was WARM. Upper 40s — not bad at all, at all, for the last day of November.

On the way we stopped at a McDonald’s & got her (& Braxton) cheeseburgers. She gets a double because she is a big girl.

She got 2 of her toys (wrapped (of course)) before she left & the other two when we came back. What can I say. I organized the trip & went & got the burgers. The rest was done by her OWNER (which is not I).

I Like Maine’s Idea Of Taxing Companies For Recycling, We Should Extend It To Cover Litter.

by Anura Guruge
on June 15, 2021

Above coverage from the U.K. ‘Independent’. Click here to access original article.

Great idea. Bravo. I wish them all the best. I am proud of Maine — a State I visit nearly every month. Good thinking. Alas, of course, we know that the companies will just hike up their prices & TAX all consumers. That is always the problems. Companies rarely, if ever, eat such added costs (or penalties). They just pass them on — & right now we have enough price inflation as it is.

I TRY to clear up litter on roadside — mainly because I spend so much time a day WALKING on the side of roads. What always strikes me is the regularity of the litter: McDonald’s bags, wrappers & boxes, Dunkin’ cups, Pepsi cans, Marlboro packs, etc. etc. You get the drift. Easy to make HUGE piles of collected litter from various companies. Well, why can’t we find a way to penalize these companies. They can TRY to educate their customers not to litter. We can create WALLS OF SHAME. Think about it.

But, I am glad that folks have at least started thinking about this problem. Bravo, Maine.