Tag Archives: Maypole

Sombre & Sobering ‘May Day 2022’ In Light Of What Is Happening In Ukraine.

by Anura Guruge
on May 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Base images from public domain sources.

‘May Day’, ‘May 1’, of each year, has different connotations to different people depending on their background and beliefs. Fundamentally, it is a ‘holiday’ that celebrates the coming of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Hence, the ‘Maypole’ & ‘Morris Dancing’, etc. in Britain. See YouTube videos below.

Then we also have ‘May Day’ as a celebration of WORKERS (& by extrapolation socialism). Yes, Russia is famous for its grandiose May Day Parade. Well, screw the bloody (& they truly are ‘bloody’) Russian.

Whichever way you look at it, May 1, 2022, because of the TRAGEDY that is taking place in Ukraine, had to sombre & sobering.

I trust you felt the same way about that.

Not much room for celebration or cheer. There are folks in Ukraine who are suffering, suffering badly.

After WW II we all said “Never Again“.

Well, it is happening again ….!

Solidarity with Ukraine & Zelenskyy.