Tag Archives: May 27

Amazon (AMZN) 20-to-1 Stock Split: Only The LAST STEP, i.e., Actual Split Left.

by Anura Guruge
on May 27, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & study.

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart from ‘marketwatch.com‘ (of course).

Compared to other high profile stock splits, Amazon’s much anticipated 2022 split, so far, has been very muted & insipid. It went up a fair amount since the split was formally approved on Wednesday, but not by that much.

So, two of the lead-up steps to the split, i.e., the approval & the NOMINAL ex-split day (i.e., May 27) are NOW history. Only June 3 stands between the old shares & the split ones. The split will take place, after the markets close, on Friday, June 3, 2022. The split shares will start trading when the markets open on June 6, 2022.

To add a bit more spice, Monday, May 30, is a holiday, Memorial Day. So, there is only 4 days left of trading prior to the split.

Despite my admonitions many will continue to believe that it is now TOO LATE to buy AMZN stock that is going to get split. That is NOT true. You can keep on buying them till 4pm (Eastern) on Friday, June 3.

Amazon (AMZN) Shareholders APPROVE 20-to-1 Stock Split; So It Is ‘Go-Go-Go’, May 27, June 3 & June 6.

by Anura Guruge
on May 25, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Here is the link to the ‘GeekWire‘ original.

Click to ENLARGE. So, May 25 HURDLE is cleared. Split approved.

Well, at today’s Amazon Annual Meeting the shareholders FORMALLY voted in favor of the 20-to-1 stock split. That was expected. We had cast our vote — as ‘YES’ (by proxy) a few weeks ago.

So, the VOTE is out of the way.

Now it is GO-GO-GO & it is a very fast & compressed schedule.

AMZN stocks will split, after trading, on Friday, June 3, 2022. That is the GOLDEN DAY. You can continue to buy pre-split AMZN shares until 4pm (Eastern) that Friday. That is a given.

The split shares will appear in accounts as of Saturday, June 4, 2022. Same as option expirations. They expire on Friday & you see the expirations on the Saturday.

The split shares will start TRADING Monday, June 6, 2022 at 9:30am (Eastern).

So, that is it.

AMZN went up, a bit, today. Will most likely go up on Thursday & Friday too.

Amazon (AMZN) Sure NOT Acting Like There Is A 20-to-1 Stock Split Just 9-Days Away.

by Anura Guruge
on May 24, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Base chart (with thanks (as ever)) from ‘marketwatch.com‘. Annotations are mine.

Click to ENLARGE.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 25, 2022, is the Amazon Annual Meeting where the official vote for the 20-to-1 stock split will be taken. I wonder IF they (i.e., the majority of the large shareholders) will change their mind. We have cast our vote — as ‘YES’; but alas we don’t own that much!

The stock is down 25% from the time they announced the split.

Yes, external factors at play. The entire market is down. I expected that, as has invariably been the case in the past, the stock will rally heading up the split as folks scrambled to buy the pre-split shares — though why they felt the need was always a mystery.

There is still time. When the split is formally announced at the meeting I think we will see a flurry of buying. I, yesterday, bought call options for this Friday, May 27. I was banking on a $300 rally. So for now, I am quids in. SMILE.

I have owned AMZN since 2012. SMILE. So, I am not that concerned. PLUS, my main interest with AMZN is COVERED CALL option trading. So, the actual price doesn’t bother me all that much. I doubt whether I will SELL any of my AMZN holdings in my lifetime! I make money with the options. Volatility is good for option trading. SMILE. What can I say.

DO NOT Bother To Buy Amazon (AMZN) Shares AHEAD Of The May 27, 2022 SPLIT-DATE — It Is Meaningless.

by Anura Guruge
on May 22, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

There is NO ‘ex-dividend’ (or ‘ex-split’) date
for stock splits.

Let me say that AGAIN. There is NO ‘ex-split’ date for stock splits.

Do you want me to repeat it AGAIN, or has it sunk in? (I sure hope so.)

Yes, Amazon, brokerages & the media will talk about the ex-dividend (or ex-split) date — which is likely to be May 27, 2022.

That date is MEANINGLESS.

You can CONTINUE buying Amazon shares, & GET THE 20-to-1 stock split, till 4pm on May 3, 2022.

Trust me on this. I have played this game, very successfully, with TSLA in 2020. See below.

Click to ENLARGE. Click to ENLARGE & read here.

Call your brokerage and ask them.

They will confirm.

You just can’t have an ex-split date with a stock-split. Why? Because folks can’t end up owning unsplit shares.

Any AMZN shares you own on June 3, 2022 have to split. Doesn’t matter if you bought them that morning.

Think about it.


I am trying to help you make some money.

Click to ENLARGE.

May 27: If the vote goes through, that Friday, May 27, will be the NOMINAL EX-DIVIDEND (i.e., EX-SPLIT) date. It means diddly. Repeat. It means DIDDLY.

But, brokerages will claim that you need to own AMZN on May 27 in order to get the SPLIT. That is garbage. If you buy AMZN on June 1 what are the brokerages (& for that matter Amazon) going to do? Tell you own a special class of OLD, unsplit shares!

There is NO EX-SPLIT DAY. You can continue buying AMZN till the actual SPLIT DATE.

June 3: AMZN will split, 20-to-1, AFTER trading on this Friday. You will see the SPLIT shares on Saturday June 4.