Tag Archives: Marketplace

Finally Someone Is Doing Something About Facebook Forcing Some Of Us To Use ‘Marketplace’. But, It Is In Europe.

by Anura Guruge
on July 25, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. Base stories from ‘Google News‘.

Because I have a few pages, e.g., this information-only ‘Bold Coast’ page, other than my personal account, Facebook forces me to use ‘Marketplace’ to do many things — including any interactions on my pages. It is very annoying. Drives me nuts. But, there is no getting around it. I am locked in.

Now, THANKFULLY, the E.U. is trying to force the issue. I am so glad. The fine, a mere $13.4 Billion, is but petty cash for Facebook. Nothing. Meaningless. They will just continue to laugh in their face.

The U.S. authorities will do nothing. They won’t even understand the issue. Very sad.