Tag Archives: market meltdown

Did Stock Trading Platforms Really Crash, Or Were They MANIPULATED To SLOW/STOP Selling?

by Anura Guruge
on August 5, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

This was NOT RIGHT! This was not kosher. On ‘Twitter’ there are some very disgruntled customers. They appear to have lost a lot of money.

This had to have been devastating for some. Not being able to get to your accounts or sell stock … as the blood bath was happening. WOW. Not good.

I hope there is a Class Action suit. I am sure, in total, folks can probably point to BILLIONS OF LOSSES from lost trading opportunity.

Yes, I am also sure that there is UNREAD fine print saying that none of these firms guarantee UPTIME and that you are SCREWED if the trading platforms are down.

I am curious to see how this all unwinds. I will try to keep you posted. HOPE you were not one of the folks impacted this morning.