Tag Archives: Madou Sidiki Diabate

‘Toumani Diabaté, ‘Kora King’, Dies The Day After I Had Seen His Brother ‘Madou Sidiki Diabate’ Perform In ‘Meredith’, N.H.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. For Wikipedia. For my post yesterday on brother’s performance.

A weird coincidence.

Up until 7:30pm, Thursday, July 19, 2024, I had never heard of a ‘Kora‘ let alone the name ‘Diabate‘.

I was, as you must have worked out by now, blown away by this Kora duet performance. It was incredible.

I, per my wont, did some Googling the next day, i.e., Friday. Then a few hours later this news item pops up on my Google News Feed that ‘Toumani Diabaté‘ had died. I was still not au fait with the name. I had to look it up. Older brother, by 17 years, of the one I saw. [Not sure if they have the same mother.]


Right through Thursday night’s performance Mamadou Sidiki Diabaté was mute. He didn’t even mutter a thank you. I wondered if he was really MUTE! I even tried to look it up. I have since learnt that he was aware that his brother was seriously ill during the Thursday night performance. [He only heard about the death Friday lunchtime U.S. Eastern time.]


I am glad that I got this introduction to the Kora — from such a storied performer. I sure will try to catch more of his performances IF I can.

‘Kora’ Duets With ‘Madou Sidiki Diabate’ YouTube Videos From ‘Hermit Woods’, ‘Meredith’, N.H.

by Anura Guruge
on July 20, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. Link to their Facebook page.

This was quite the experience. I don’t think I had ever come across the ‘Kora‘ prior to this. I might have heard it without realizing what it was. Quite the instrument, with, of course, an unique and mesmerizing sound. I really had no idea what I was going to, until they started. Took me awhile to get into it, but then I was hooked.

Totally serendipitous as so much in my life.

I had to go to ”Giuseppe’s“, for the 2nd time in 4-days, to get calamari (x4) and a large ‘Pollo Florentine Alfredo’ pizza for my 18-year old daughter (who is not driving as much as she had been doing). One hour round trip. To break it up I looked to see what was happening. Saw this. I was intrigued. The rest is history.

So, so glad I went. Wow. Well, you can experience a bit of it via the above nearly 4-minute long YouTube. I combined 3 separate videos to make that. I am kind of pleased with it.

Madou Diabate did NOT utter a single word during the whole performance. STRANGE. I still haven’t found any videos, online, of him speaking!