Tag Archives: Locke Lake

A Sea Of Purple ‘Loosestrife’ On The Southside Of ‘Locke Lake’, ‘Barnstead’, New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on August 21, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

Maine has ‘Lupines‘, we, especially this year, have this purple ‘Loosestrife‘. We have Lupines too, but right now we are awash, especially around where I live, in this Loosestrife.

From what I gather they are both invasive.

I have seen Loosestrife for as long as I can remember. BUT, I have never seen it in the profusion I am seeing it this year — especially around ‘Locke Lake‘. The southend of the lake, as you can see from the above pictures, is a carpet of purple. VERY PRETTY. I like it, but, I also realize that this is ‘not right‘.

I have started to monitor the growth/spread.

A Tableau Of New Hampshire Flora — July 30, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

Unlike yesterday I didn’t go to Concord or for that matter anywhere that involved getting into a vehicle. So, all of these pictures were taken during my morning’s 5-mile walk — in Alton & Barnstead (New Hampshire). I live on the border. I am into Barnstead within 0.6-miles of home. Today, we walked around ‘Locke Lake‘ in Barnstead after we cout across our lake, ‘Halfmoon‘ (in Alton). Also, unlike yesterday, I am including flora rather than restricting myself just to flowers. Hope that is ‘OK’ with you. Enjoy.

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When Local Media Try To Sensationalize A Story By Disingenuously Adding ‘Mystery’ To The Title.

by Anura Guruge
on July 2, 2021

Click image to ENLARGE. Google Image search for ‘New England freshwater crayfish’.

Kind of cute. Making it out that nobody knows what this thing is. Sure looks like a crayfish to me. Not a mystery at all. Just something awaiting confirmation.

This happened real close to us — during the storm I posted about yesterday.

They mention two lakes as the possible source of this ‘creature’, viz. Locke Lake & Halfmoon Lake. The latter is our lake. I have spent a lot of time on that lake, albeit never diving it per se. I have never seen any crayfish. That is not to say that there couldn’t be any in that lake. It is of fairly decent size.

It is just the ‘mystery animal’ part in the title that tickled me. I first assumed that this was going to be an unknown species of animal. Not just another common or garden variety crayfish.

That is local media for YOU. Smile. They have to get the clicks — by hook or by crook.