Tag Archives: Live Aid

‘Bob Geldof’ Autobiography ‘Is That It?’ — Inspirational. Definitely Worth A Read. What A MAN!

by Anura Guruge
on June 18, 2024

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia.

I will confess SHEEPISHLY that I ONLY discovered ‘Bob Geldof‘, KBE, c. 2015 — 30-years after ‘Live Aid’ & way, way past the heyday of ‘The Boomtown Rats‘! Yes, such gaps are NOT unusual when it comes to I & some matters cultural. What is crazy is that he & I were contemporaries in London mid-1970s into mid-1980s. Yes, we would have been in very different circles, but in the 1980s I too was known to frequent some of the London hotspots.

In the 1980s I was not into PUNK. That has to be the most obvious explanation. In those days I was very much into the British ‘Electric Folk’ scene. So, that explains why he never appeared on my radar.

c. 2015 I happened to see ‘When Harvey Met Bob‘ on TV. It had me riveted. Yes, I knew of ‘Band Aid’ & ‘Live Aid’. Yes, I was in the U.S. by then, & was crazy, crazy busy.

But, after seeing ‘When …‘ I started watching ‘Live Aid’ videos on ‘YouTube’. Still do to this day.

I Don’t Like Mondays” is one of my favorite songs alongside “Manic Monday“! That two of my favorite songs both feature ‘Monday’ is weird to say the least.

I wanted to learn more about Bob. I got the book. Not bad at all. Some bits are BRILLIANT. I enjoyed it. Was very inspirational. He is quite THE MAN. I am in awe of him. So much talent & such a great heart.