Tag Archives: listening

Would “James Michener” Be As Great As He Was, IF He Was Starting Off As A New Author Today?

by Anura Guruge
on February 27, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I am (I think) still a huge James Michener fan. As the above image shows I have read a fair number of his mammoth works — & (I realize) that that might be an issue. It is possible that I have become jaded, i.e., Michener overload.

I am currently LISTENING on ‘Audible‘ to ‘Poland‘ & I am about halfway through & only have another 18 hours left! I also appreciate that listening to a book is profoundly DIFFERENT to that of reading it. The experience, your connection with the book is different. I have still to fully work it out, but I kind of think that listening is a more DETACHED experience — you get more of a chance to reflect on what is being said. But, I am, as yet, not 100% sure whether that is really the case. But, what I do know is that listening to Michener’s Poland makes me QUESTION the true greatness of the man.

No doubts his works are monumental & required Herculean efforts to pull them off. However, in the case of Poland, especially in light of what he talks about in the ‘Acknowledgment’ section, I have started to wonder if he had others writing sections of the book for him.

I have never done this before but on a whim I just Google ‘james michener criticism‘. Wow. There is a lot & just scanning through a few summaries I can see that others, as ever, have been way ahead of me in their doubts as to his true literary ‘genius’. Interesting. I really must read some of these — IF I ever get the time.

I also just did some math. He was 76 when he wrote Poland. Wow. But, I have to say, it shows! In my opinion the storytelling comes across as TIRED. Stilted. Contrived. Dare I even say so — amateurish! Hence, my questioning as to how he would be received today, IF he was just starting off.

Just recently I stated, right here, that I reckon that ‘Rose Tremain’ is a better storyteller than Michener. I stand by that. And since then, I have listened to the transfixing ‘The Lincoln Highway‘ by ‘Amor Towles’. He is a 21st century writer. Very slick, clever & inspired. Compared to him & Tremain, Michener comes across as old-fashioned (which he was).

Then there is also the matter of technology. Michener did the bulk of his writing on a typewriter. I am sure his style would have been different IF he had access to ‘Word’ — from the getgo. I, as a writer myself, can attest that writing in Word changes your style & fluency because making changes is so trivial.

Bottom line here, for now, is that listening to Poland has made me realize, more painfully than ever before, that Michener tries to tell a good story BUT maybe he isn’t that great at telling it. That said, I am eternally GRATEFUL to Michener for all the world history he has told me. After Poland, I really must stop getting anymore Michener books.

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No Denying That I LISTEN To A LOT Of Audio Books, On ‘Audible’ Books, Every Day — While I Gaily Amble.

by Anura Guruge
on October 26, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. 2022 so far.

Full Year 2022.

Click to ENLARGE.

No secret. I LOVE ‘Audible‘. Couldn’t live without it. Listen to it each & every day WHEN I am at home & ambling. The keywords there being: ‘when at home‘.

When I am ambling AWAY from home I do NOT listen to Audible or anything else. Just nature & maybe traffic. Hence, why the longest stretch is 49 days. WOW. I stayed home for 49 days on a stretch. I never realized.

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What IF ‘Moby-Dick’ Was Written Today?

by Anura Guruge
on June 25, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. 1st edition cover — from ‘Wikipedia‘.

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘Audible‘ edition I am currently listening to.

I have yet to read ‘Moby-Dick‘. I doubt that I ever will. Some of the print versions run to 760(+) pages! That is long. Yes, I have read books of that length, but they tended to be rather more gripping & compelling.

But, I am listening to it — as we ‘speak’ (so to say). As you can see from the 2nd image (above) it is nearly 25-hours long in audio form. I listen to ‘Audible‘ at 0.95% playback rate (to compensate for my many distractions). That means it will take me 26-hours to listen to the whole thing — & that is without the constant rewinds I have to do!

I still have some 8 hours left.

Have I enjoyed it? Kind of. Not great. I have listened to better. I listened to ‘Middlemarch’ last September. That was even longer at 32.5-hours. But, that was GOOD. Gripping. Compelling. I didn’t want it to STOP.

Not so with Moby-Dick. There is so much inane ‘fluff’. Lot of boring stuff. Plus, we all know what the ending is going to be like. I am not sure of the exact details, BUT I am pretty sure it involves them harpooning the white whale.

As an author myself I can’t help thinking what would happen IF Herman Melville tried to get it published today. Would any major publishing house touch it.

This book was written, in such prodigious length, at a time when there was no that many forms of domestic entertainment open to folks. No TV. No radio. No Tik-Tok. No Facebook. No Internet. No phones …

Will people today have the patience to wade through it? I doubt it.

It is not doing that well in the Amazon rankings. People aren’t buying it.

This is something that keeps on crossing my mind as I listen to it. Would it ever be considered a classic if it came out now?

I will be interested in what YOU think. Thanks.

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Confirmation That I Indeed Listen To Nearly 2 Hours Of Audio Books, A Day, On ‘Audible’ Books, Each & Every Day.

by Anura Guruge
on January 9, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

Kind of sobering. 682 hours of listening to books. That equates to 28.4 days! Wow. 365 days in the year & I spent 28.4 (7.8%) of those listening to books.

I THINK that that is BRILLIANT.

I am delighted.

This happens to be the 2 hours a day, each day (without fail) that I walk.

So, as I love to do, I am multitasking — walking, listening, enjoying, getting educated. It does not get any better.

‘Audible‘, as I have said before, has changed my life for the better — & walking 2 hours a day, every day, hasn’t done my life much harm either. SMILE.

To me they now go hand in hand. Walking & Audible — together, synergistically.

I, of course, like Audible. I like everything to do with Amazon. SMILE. Yes, I am a very happy & content Amazon shareholder.

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