Tag Archives: lights

House Looks Good With Just The 3 Lasers — Christmas Lights Not Turned On.

by Anura Guruge
on December 26, 2022

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Now that Christmas 2022 is in the rearview mirror I did not see a point in turning on all the Christmas lights. I have a good idea what the electric bill is going to be like. C’est la vie. Part of the Christmas joy. I just thought I will turn on the 3 lasers which are all on the same circuit.

Above was the sight that greeted me during my midnight amble. Looks good. I liked it.

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The Outside Christmas Lights For 2022 Are All Finally Up.

by Anura Guruge
on December 13, 2022

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The glow lights up our dirt road.

And pigs can now fly.

It took longer than normal but the outside lights, for 2022, are finally up — or as much as will be going up this year. All Teischan’s work. I just installed the 3 MAIN lasers. She installed another smaller one — for the garage. She is still unwell. So, she will not be putting lights up on the trees this year. Pity. They look so nice. She won’t let me do them! It is her ‘thing’. But, it still looks nice & we light up the road.

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I Install The Christmas Lasers — 3 To Begin With.

by Anura Guruge
on December 10, 2022

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We light up the trees too.

3 lasers.

Tesichan, a bit ‘under the weather’, is, to her chagrin, a behind schedule with getting all the outside lights done. But, she won’t let me help her or attempt to do some of it myself. Given that she has been doing all the lights herself for the last few years she thinks I am no longer capable. I am OK with that.

She did, however, let me put the 3 lasers up though she was NOT happy that she was not able to standover me & supervise! She might go & mess around with them tomorrow. That is OK. Christmas is all for her.

To my surprise & delight the ground was NOT frozen. For once I was able to get some deep holes made without undue trouble. So, I was able to set them firmly in the ground — though I did bolster them with a few rocks.

I am never satisfied with the lasers. Just this morning I was looking to see what new ones they had. So I might not be done for the year. Might have to get another. This year I have enough wiring laid out for a FEW more! SMILE.

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Halloween Decorations 2022 By ‘Teischan’ — Part II.

by Anura Guruge
on October 2, 2022

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I thought she was done after yesterday’s marathon effort. I was wrong. She found more lights & more decorations. We have a HUGE storage area, above the garage, where all the Easter, Halloween & Christmas decorations get stored. She was up there rummaging around & came down with more stuff. She then spent the better part of today, outside, putting up all the stuff. She loves doing it. So, that is great. She refuses help. This is HER thing. I am glad to let her. House looks good. Pretty impressive.

It Is October 1 & ‘Teischan’ Decks Out The House For Halloween Per Her Tradition.

by Anura Guruge
on October 1, 2022

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Halloween, indubitably, is Teischan’s favorite holiday — by far, by far (even though she doesn’t get any presents). She starts thinking about Halloween in July. She has it all planned in her head by September. Since I have a thing about ‘rushing’ holidays she & I have a very informal agreement that she will not put up Halloween stuff until October. Well, today was October 1, & off she went.

For the last few years she does ALL of the Halloween decorations, including the lights, by herself. Refuses help. As she likes to proclaim: “she is an independent woman“! SMILE.

It is great to see her do all this herself. She loves it. She was out for over 6 hours doing all of this. Still a bit more to go. We can’t find the Halloween laser projector (as opposed to the three Christmas ones). I will keep you posted.