Tag Archives: lifeboat

My Son’s Rather Extensive ‘Titanic’ Memorabilia Collection (Or At Least Most Of It).

by Anura Guruge
on April 1, 2023

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I built & painted this ‘Airfix’ model for him 22+ years ago. Couldn’t do it now.

My son, the entrepreneur, will turn 31 next month. Starting about when he was three (maybe a tad earlier) and extending into his early teens he was totally obsessed with shipwrecks. Shipwrecks just intrigued & fascinated him. Then, when he was 5, as if on order, the iconic 1997 ‘Titanic’ movie came out. There was no holding him back after that. Yes, of course, we took him to see it & for a short while, we, but mainly his sister who is 3-years older, tried to protect him from seeing what happened inside the steamed-up car. Of course, we had to get him the DVD. He would watch it MULTIPLE times a day.

With my help & encouragement he amassed quite the collection of Titanic ‘stuff’. What I show above is not the entire collection. Some we got rid off — like a fairly big wooden replica LIFEBOAT on a davit. It had to be wall mounted & it demanded SOME space. Sold that on eBay I think (& we did good (if my memory is right)).

I took these pictures for a friend in Rotary who is also a BIG Titanic buff. In his case, his great-aunt & her four young kids were ON BOARD the Titanic, 3rd Class, & never made it!