Tag Archives: km

That The U.S. Is The ONLY Country With More Than 5 Million People That Still Uses Fahrenheit Got Me Thinking.

by Anura Guruge
on January 14, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. I dashed this off.

Click to ENLARGE. From yesterday’s post.

Click to ENLARGE. Here is the link to the original.

Yesterday I did a post about how one of my VERY American neighbors, an ex-jock, the V. proud owner of a new (expensive) ‘Range Rover’ mistook temperatures stated in Centigrade (C) as being in Fahrenheit. So, he was going around saying how cold it was & that it was -17F when it was -17C — i.e., 0F. HUGE Difference — like -17F. He cracked me up. But, it got me thinking & looking.

I was SHOCKED that non of the BIG British Commonwealth countries, e.g., Canada or South Africa, still used F. Wow.

So, the U.S. stands alone.

I personally have no problem. I love my old imperial units. That is what I grew up with & I left the U.K. before they went metric. So, I have managed to stay ahead of Metrication (or metrification). Given my advanced age, I think I am going to be OK, i.e., manage to stay all imperial till I die.

Got me looking into who still uses MILES. Some might argue about the U.K. They use miles & km in parallel.

I also happened to look at what countries still drove on the LEFT. That is a longer list BUT, of course, the U.S. is not on it. Kind of ironic. Doesn’t drive on the LEFT but uses MILES & F.

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