Tag Archives: king cobra

Man BITES Snake TWICE — In India!

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Please, check it out. I don’t make this stuff up. Though the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ is a tabloid, in my vast experience with them spanning nearly 50 years, they usually don’t invent stories. There has usually been a fire somewhere IF they do a story about ‘smoke’ — though the smoke in the story might not have come from the fire that happened.

In this story, they don’t tell you what kind of snake it was — though in the picture that accompanied the story they show a King Cobra. It does say he (the man not the snake) was taken to a hospital and given an antivenom shot. He was released from hospital he next day.

Well, as headlines go, it sure beats ‘Man Bites Dog‘ or even yesterday’s story, below, of a Sri Lankan trying to stop an elephant by pulling its tail. Stuff that happens in that corner of Asia.

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.