Tag Archives: Kensington High School

My Yearbook Picture From 1968, ‘Kensington High School’, ‘Buffalo’, NY.

by Anura Guruge
on September 20, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. I am last on left, back row.
Click to ENLARGE. Zoomed in.

Another picture from 1967 – 1968.

I had lost my copy of this yearbook, the only year that I attended high school, many decades ago.

But, as I talked about here, I heard from one of my teaches, from that HS, earlier this year. She remembered my name (& for reasons I am still not clear about) she looked me up. Wow.

Well, she has a collection of yearbooks from all the years she taught there.

We have been in regular touch. Last week she located the yearbook for 1968 & looked me up. Today she sent me this picture.


My hair. SMILE. I always had a dread of getting my hair cut.

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I Heard From A Teacher From 57-Years Ago! It Was So GREAT, Exciting & HUMBLING. Wow.

by Anura Guruge
on May 11, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

Pictures from 1967 – 1968.

That is my mother outside of ‘Kensington High school‘.

This was the Dinner
that is mentioned.

The cake says ‘Sri Lanka 20‘ — 20th Independence.

I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw the above Comment on this blog. WOW.

From 57-years ago.

It was so GREAT & humbling. To have a teacher says that they are IMPRESSED! The ultimate accolade & vindication. I am still walking on air.

As some of you know I have a STRANGE memory — very episodic. I remember some events, going back to when I was 3, in vivid details. But, I don’t remember NAMES & there are large chunks that are GONE.

I do have some GREAT & amazing memories from that School & Buffalo. ALL GOOD. As far as I remember NOTHING really bad happened to me during that year — other than TRYING to learn French (which was an unmitigated disaster). LOVED THE SCHOOL. Everybody was good to me. Maybe some very mild ‘teasing’ by some older kids. I was good in my maths, science & English. That helped. SMILE. I ‘helped’ a number of boys with their math. SMILE. They made me sit the math SAT though I was but a Freshman. SMILE.

I will, if I ever find the time, write about my great year in Buffalo. First year abroad.

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