Tag Archives: Kelly Ayotte

Glad That ‘Joyce Craig’ Prevailed Over ‘Cinde Warmington’ As Democratic Contender For New Hampshire Governor.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2024

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Funny thing this. I had gone to a ‘Cinde Warmington’ ‘rally’ last November & had even spoken with her. My first reaction was that she was impressive. I even considered campaigning for her. BUT then as months passed and we moved into mid-2024 I started having doubts about her. She just did NOT seem to be cutting in — especially not against ‘Kelly Ayotte’, who is going to be formidable.

I have never seen Joyce Craig other than fleetingly on TV. But, I know she was mayor of ‘Manchester‘. From where I sit you don’t get elected mayor of that ‘tough’ City unless you have some real mettle. I can’t explain it, but she clicks with I.

So, I am GLAD. I hope she can win …. I HOPE.