Tag Archives: Kamala

Letting ‘Barack Obama’ Talk For So Long Was STUPID! It Just Highlighted How Inarticulate ‘Kamala’ Is.

by Anura Guruge
on October 11, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google‘. ‘Google‘ for more.

I, alas, only got to listen to about 30 minutes of it (while on my evening amble). It was brilliant. It was classic. It was vintage Obama. He is such a gifted and wonderful orator. I think the best since JFK. Better than ‘Reagan’. ‘Bill Clinton’ was also good, Obama, though, is much better. He is certainly better than ‘Trump‘. Yes, Trump too can connect with the audience, but Barack does so at a more visceral level. Trump must have hated that speech.

‘Kamala’ is NO Obama!

That is the problem.

Having Obama up there just reminded one as to how poor Kamala is when it comes to expressing herself. She is no orator. For all her supposed public experience she seems nervous and scared in front of a microphone. She is pathetic. In her interviews she looks like the proverbial ‘deer in the headlights‘.

Having Obama do HIS MAGIC for so long, yesterday, was STUPID. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Just made Kamala look even WORSE.

Not a good move. Oh, how I wish it was ‘Michelle’ who was running. Now she speaks well too. Think about it.

The election is done …

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Why Isn’t The ‘DoJ’ Warning Us Of GOD’s Blatant Interference In The U.S. Election?

by Anura Guruge
on October 9, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. An ‘Anura Guruge’ creation.

I have always had a keen appreciation for God’s exquisite sense of HUMOR. He given his infinite powers is the BEST comedian ever. You have to hand it to him.

I actually think he created this world so that he could have FUN with us — & he sure has a ball doing it. It, of course, is HIS prerogative.

Well he gave ‘TrumpCOVID to contend with (of course, knowing, given his omnipotence, that he would fail).

Now he is giving klueless Kamala these hurricanes. She has already fallen on her face & the bumbling will only get worse in the coming days.

So, he has already had his LAUGH.

Blatant election interference, BUT we are at his beck & call. HIS WILL. HIS WILL WILL BE DONE. Amen.

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