Tag Archives: June Solstice

BEMOAN! 2024 Summer Solstice In N.H. Is Tomorrow. The DARKEST DAY Of The Year. I HATE The Summer Solstice. I Mope ALL DAY.

by Anura Guruge
on June 19, 2024

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For the world of me I just cannot work out why folks, especially in New England, get so excited about the bloody Summer Solstice. The Summer Solstice does NOT — I REPEAT, “DOES NOT” — herald the start of Summer. Jesus wept. On the contrary. It signals that WINTER is bloody coming. Jesus wept. You DO REALIZE that days start getting shorter STARTING on the damn Summer Solstice. What MORE do you need to know?

Our ancestors, much wiser than we like to give them credit, had it RIGHT. SPOT ON. The ‘Winter Solstice‘ is the day to REVEL. The day to celebrate. The Winter Solstice marks DAYS GETTING LONGER. Tells you that there is HOPE. Light at the end of the tunnel. Summer is coming.

Not so the bloody Summer Solstice. Damn. Days start getting shorter as of the damn solstice. What more do YOU need to know? Jesus wept.

Few will ever appreciate how much I detest the bloody Summer Solstice. Easily my least favorite day of the year.

That people think that it signals the start of the Summer is so, so, so STUPID. It does NOT signal the start of the Summer — stupid! It signals the start of the Winter!

Does days get longer as of the Summer Solstice?

They bloody well don’t. They start getting shorter, & do so fast.

The bloody Summer Solstice tells you — IF you are SMART — that Winter is coming & it is coming FAST.

Wise up. The Summer Solstice is a terrible day. Nothing to celebrate. Mourn. Mourn. Mourn the Summer Solstice.

Mourn the Solstice, start getting ready for Winter.

BEWAIL! 2023 Summer Solstice In N.H. — My Least Favorite Day Of The Year — Is TODAY (June 21st); I HATE The Summer Solstice.

by Anura Guruge
on June 21, 2023

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Our ancestors, much wiser than we like to give them credit, had it RIGHT. SPOT ON. The ‘Winter Solstice‘ is the day to REVEL. The day to celebrate. The Winter Solstice marks DAYS GETTING LONGER. Tells you that there is HOPE. Light at the end of the tunnel. Summer is coming.

Not so the bloody Summer Solstice. Damn. Days start getting shorter as of tomorrow!

Few will ever appreciate how much I detest the bloody Summer Solstice. Easily my least favorite day of the year.

That people think that it signals the start of the Summer is so, so, so STUPID. It does NOT signal the start of the Summer — stupid! It signals the start of the Winter!

Does days get longer as of the Summer Solstice?

They bloody well don’t. They start getting shorter, & do so fast.

The bloody Summer Solstice tells you — IF you are SMART — that Winter is coming & it is coming FAST.

Wise up. The Summer Solstice is a terrible day. Nothing to celebrate. Mourn. Mourn. Mourn the Summer Solstice.

Mourn the Solstice, start getting ready for Winter.

2022 Summer Solstice In N.H. — My Least Favorite Day Of The Year — Is On June 21; I HATE The Summer Solstice.

by Anura Guruge
on June 20, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘timeanddate.com‘ (with thanks, as ever).

You probably will never appreciate how much I detest the bloody Summer Solstice. Easily my least favorite day of the year.

That people think that it signals the start of the Summer is so, so, so STUPID. It does NOT signal the start of the Summer — stupid! It signals the start of the Winter!

Does days get longer as of the Summer Solstice?

They bloody well don’t. They start getting shorter, & do so fast.

The bloody Summer Solstice tells you — IF you are SMART — that Winter is coming & it is coming FAST.

Wise up. The Summer Solstice is a terrible day. Nothing to celebrate. Mourn. Mourn. Mourn the Summer Solstice.

Mourn the Solstice, start getting ready for Winter.

2021 Summer Solstice — My Least Favorite Day Of The Year — Is On June 20; I HATE The Summer Solstice.

by Anura Guruge
on June 19, 2021

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I know my seasons, in New England, as well as astronomy. When I was growing up in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) I had never heard of the ‘solstice’ or ‘equinox’. ‘Seasons’ were things I would read about in English books. We did NOT have season. It was Summer year long.

I know that calling it the ‘Summer Solstice‘ is a misnomer. Yes, it falls in the Summer BUT it heralds winter & yes, vice versa. The ‘Winter Solstice‘, which I celebrate with gusto, informs you that Summer is on the.

All YOU need to know is that in Northern climes days start getting shorter as of the day following the Summer Solstice. What a joke. That is why it is my least favorite day of the year. I know that Winter is now around the corner. SMILE.

That father’s day in 2021 is on the Summer Solstice is not that special! It happens every 5- to 6-years. I did a post on that earlier today.

Mourn the Solstice, Enjoy Father’s Day.

Father’s Day Falling On The Summer Solstice Is NOT That Uncommon.

by Anura Guruge
on June 19, 2021

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Just to allay any confusion, we are talking about U.S. Father’s Day & the Summer (i.e., June) Solstice relative to the U.S. East Coast (i.e., where I live) — & as such Eastern Time.

The Summer Solstice, as far as the U.S. East Coast is concerned falls on either June 20 or June 21. That is it.

U.S. Father’s Day is the 3rd Sunday in June (or for those of us in New Hampshire, the ‘last’ (or proper) Sunday of ‘Bike Week‘). The 3rd Sunday means that Father’s Day can fall anywhere from June 15 to June 21. For it to fall on June 15, as it did in 2014, June 1 must fall on a Sunday. So, you can see the sequence there. June 16 if the first Sunday was on June 2, etc.

As you can see from the table I compiled above, with data from ‘timeanddate.com‘, we do get the two coinciding every 5 to 6 years — which is NOT bad. So, we can’t claim it is rare — & as such special. So, we had this happen as ‘recently’ as 2015 & it will happen again 5-years later. OK?

Happy Father’s Day.