Tag Archives: June 28

Pope Francis’ Next Cardinal-Creating Consistory Will Likely Be On June 28, 2022 — With 10 ‘Openings’.

by Anura Guruge
on May 16, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. From my magic Excel spreadsheet. The 7 cardinal electors that will turn 80 in 2022.
Click to ENLARGE. From the same magic cardinal elector spreadsheet as above.

I had thought that he would wait until November 22 for his next cardinal-creating consistory.

But, with his increasing ill-health there is talk that there will be a June 2022 consistory.

IF SO, it will most likely be on June 28, 2022 — with the celebratory Mass on June 29, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. June 28/29 have traditionally been popular days for consistories.

Two of Francis’ seven cardinal-creating consistories have already been on June 28, i.e., 2017 (# IV) & 2018 (#V). So, June 28 makes sense.

On June 28, he will, however, only have 4 vacancies IF he does NOT increase the 120 cardinal electors at any given conclave stipulation. It is about time he did.

But, he has had a penchant for going over the 120 mark — apparently in the strong conviction of his longevity. But now, in 2022, he needs to be careful.

UNLESS he increases the 120 limit he should NOT go beyond creating 10 new cardinals. IF he did that, we will be down to 120 by the end of 2022. I don’t think he should be thinking beyond that. Even that might prove to be tricky. Yes, he might push it and add two more — taking into account the two electors who will age out in Jan. & Feb. 2023.

So, this, right now, is the BEST state-of-play.

He will, most likely, announce the cardinal designates next week — a month ahead of the consistory (as per what has become the new norm).