Tag Archives: Jordan Pond

‘Acadia’ In 2023, For The 2nd Year Running, Collecting WINTER Entrance Fees — Given That 2022 Was A Big Success.

by Anura Guruge
on February 19, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Acadia’ page at ‘nps.gov‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Click to access original.
Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Acadia’ page at ‘nps.gov‘.

Click to image to access my post from last year. I did NOT have to PAY! SMILE.

Click images to ENLARGE. From last year.

I am ALL IN FAVOR of ‘Acadia’ collecting as much entrance fees as they can — given that I appreciate the enormous costs involved in running the ‘National Parks‘, with the ‘Park Services’ budget never getting the increases they duly warrant. For years I have urged that they better ENFORCE the existing fees because it is EASY to get into ‘Acadia‘ — say unlike ‘Shenandoah’ — without paying the fees.

I am delighted to see that they now have two ‘ATMs’ to encourage folks to get tickets. Plus, the option of getting them online. All good.

The problem, however, continues to be that of ENFORCEMENT. Enforcement costs money because you need people to do it & they cost money.

So, as some of you know I went to Acadia last February & had a blast. Despite the cold I like it in February. No crowds. No people to speak of really. I had the Park & ‘Jordan Pond‘ all to myself for significant stretches of time. It was like being on the ‘Bold Coast‘! Smile. I noticed that entrance fee enforcement was ‘not great’. Quite a few times there was NO ONE at the entrance. And once I was waived through because it was early, i.e., around 7am, & the person was still getting set up!

Yes, it is TRUE that I don’t have to PAY. SMILE. Old age. I have a Senior Lifetime pass & have had it for years. [I think I actually might have two having got a second as a backup given my obsession with redundancy.] But, even before I got the passes I have never begrudged a park their FEE. I appreciate that they have costs.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘nps.gov‘.

Blowing A Gale In Acadia (Video), Last Thursday, February 17, 2022 — 52F (11C), No Rain But A Brutal Wind.

by Anura Guruge
on February 20, 2022

YouTube video of the wind blasts below.

Interesting day at Acadia. Warm. Like a Spring day. No rain. Just a howling wind — more inland than at the coast.

I had been monitoring the weather, diligently. So, none of this came as a surprise. The 50F temps. were a joy.

I ended up hiking 16 miles (in total) that day. SMILE. Did all of my usuals: viz., Ocean Drive/Path, Jordan Pond, Eagle Lake, Duck Brook, Northeast Harbor, Ship Harbor, Bass Harbor etc.

The video above was at Eagle Lake. I don’t like shooting videos. Just not my thing. I am a photographer, not a videographer. But, I had to shoot this. Hope you like it. I sure had fun. Couple of times I wished (only half-heartedly) that I wasn’t as light as I am now. It would have helped if I was carrying 20 or 30 more pounds.