Tag Archives: Jill Biden

Who Is Paying For “Jill Biden’s” 7,200 Round-Trip To Attend One Day In Court For ‘Hunter Biden’?

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base article from ‘The New York Times‘.

Click to ENLARGE.

Did YOU know about this?

Yes, she flew in for the DAY to attend the ‘Hunter Biden‘ trial.

I can find NO MENTION as to whether she is flying COMMERCIAL or on an Air Force plane.

Even IF she is flying commercial I would like to know WHO is paying.

Plus, there is ALL the security — Special Service agents.

This is NOT right.


I am blaming her & holding her responsible for Biden’s bid for a 2nd term.

She can STOP HIM. She should stop him.

That she won’t aggravates me no end.