Tag Archives: Jewish mother

Pope Francis Donating a GOLDEN Rose To An Icon At This Time Of Global Strife & Suffering Is TONE-DEAF!

Click to ENLARGE & view here. Link to ‘Vatican News’.

Yes, yes, I know it is an ancient papal traditions. (I have written about it before.) BUT, it is also NOT mandatory. Not something a pope has to do every year. Actually, Francis did NOT present a Golden Rose in the last 2 years.

I could ask “What was the pope thinking?” — but we all know the answer.

But, we know the answer to that, alas. The pope is NOT thinking. He is too old & ill. He is kind of on auto-pilot.


Classy thing would have been to present a PAPER ROSE and say the money for the GOLDEN one was given to kid in need.

I will conclude this with these THOUGHTS:

>> What has the pope done for us of late?

>> What has the Virgin Mary done for us of late?

And to that point, don’t forget SHE IS A JEWISH MOTHER! Hhhhmmmm. Amazing.