Tag Archives: Jeff Bezos

‘AWS’ Outages Smack Of Sabotage — Folks Wanting To Damage ‘Amazon’, AMZN Shares & ‘Jeff Bezos’.

by Anura Guruge
on December 27, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Amazon & Jeff Bezos are BOTH too big — way, way too BIG — to fail.

People know that & that is just one of the reasons that there are quite a few — governments, organizations, competitors & even rich individuals — that would LOVE to see Amazon (& Jeff) experience at least a FEW set backs. Speed bumps in the inevitable & inexorable march towards continued growth & success.

There is so much engineering & levels of redundancy within AWS to prevent outages.

Thus, I am willing to countenance one rare outage once in a blue moon. But, three within a month? That sounds fishy. Smacks of possible sabotage — possibly from within (done for a price or vendetta).

AMZN shares have been faltering of late (& I know, since I own a fair amount). AMZN’s recent performance isn’t all due to the AWS outages — though the outages have not helped. Is this industrial sabotage?

Amazon’s AWS competitors would love nothing better than to cast doubt & aspersions as to the reliability & resilience of AWS. This is close to a TRILLION DOLLAR market. There are BILLIONS at stake. So, one could easily spend millions to facilitate a sabotage.

Think about it.

There is no doubt that folks inside Amazon (& AWS) have already thought about this — & undertaken strenuous investigations. There is something that just feels fishy.

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What Kind Of ‘Scheduling Conflict’ Can Override $28M Ticket To Space?

by Anura Guruge
on July 19, 2021

Click image to access U.K. ‘Independent’ original.
Click image to access U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original.

Color me: confused, shocked, amazed, whatever.

This does NOT make sense.

I kind of have a feeling that it was a scam. He/she (it was anonymous) bid $28 million, but when it came to forking out that money they did NOT have it. That I can understand. Happens all the time with auctions. Folks bid without having the funds assuming that they will never end up the winner. They enjoy the sport, the adrenaline of being part of the chase. Then they discover to their horror that they WON. They don’t have the money.

Scheduling conflict?

Come on.

It is a Tuesday. So, it is unlikely to be a wedding.

Even a funeral can be postponed.

So, come on. Give us a break. This was a scam.