Tag Archives: Italian

‘Pope Francis’, The New ‘Warrior Pope’, Excommunicates An Italian Priest For Calling Him An Antipope.

by Anura Guruge
on January 3, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Headlines from ‘Google News‘.

Wow. Wow. Wow. He claimed, 10 years ago, that he had a sense of humor. He has obviously misplaced that somewhere in the Vatican. He really has become a crotchety, vindictive, ol’ man — NO MERCY, no compassion. Warrior Pope.

But, we should get one thing right, as far as I can tell Francis is NO Antipope. Everything we know, & has been made public, indicates that the conclave that elected him played by the rules. BUT, as with any conclave, BY DEFINITION, we don’t know what happened behind the closed doors of the Sistine. We really don’t. But, if we assume that the voting was done, behind closed doors like it is supposed to have been done, then Francis is legit. Not an antipope.

I am CONFUSED, utterly, by the ‘usurper’ part. He didn’t have to usurp anyone or anything. There was NO antipope ahead of him.

Poor priest. No free speech. Wow.

He should not have been excommunicated. Just not cricket. But Francis never played cricket. Shame. He would be a much better person & pope if he had.

Hail Pope Francis the NEW ‘Warrior Pope’.

‘Mixed By Erry’ (2023) Italian Movie On ‘Netflix’ — Very Watchable, Quite Witty & Based On A True Story.

by Anura Guruge
on June 10, 2023

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Click to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

It is actually VERY GOOD. Easy to watch. Very well produced. Wow. Quite humorous too.

I had NOT heard of them or the ‘Mixed by Erry’ label. But, it is based on a true story. I remember the radio & record piracy of the 1970s & 1980s — but my visibility was limited to the U.K.

Check out the trailer. Most of you will enjoy it. Very easy to just sit back & let it entertain you. Enjoy.

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I Finally Got Myself An “Annuario Pontificio”.

by Anura Guruge
on November 4, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

My copy. The 1985 edition.

Got it from eBay, delivered today, for $27.17 (in total).

Title pages.

List of popes.
Directory of all the dioceses.

I really didn’t need it! All the information I could get from an ‘Annuario Pontifico‘ (Pontifical Yearbook), i.e., the list of popes, list of cardinals, & organization of the curia, I already have in buckets — &, moreover, in ENGLISH. The ‘AP’ is in 100% Italian, which makes it difficult for me to follow, though, of course, you can get a fairly good idea of what is being said, especially when it is talking about names.

In 2007, when I started doing my research into popes I thought that I had to get my hands on an AP just to make sure that I was not missing out of anything. In those days, I recall, that APs were hard to get, in the U.S. $120 comes to mind. I think that that was about what the average price was — plus there were long shipping times being quoted since most were being shipped across from Europe. I then quickly discovered that all the data I wanted was readily available, in English, in more extensive detail, online & in other, easier to obtain books. So, I lost interest in APs & to be honest hadn’t looked for one until last week.

Getting this ‘AP’ only came about because I was in eBay looking for OLD copies of “J.N.D. Kelly’s” ‘Oxford Dictionary Of Popes’ as I talked about in this post. I didn’t want the new revised editions published well after Kelly’s death. Partly because of nostalgia, since my old copy, in tatters, was from 2006, I wanted one (or has it transpired two) from that era. Hence, why I went to eBay. Well, as I said in that earlier post, I ended up getting two copies, one from eBay & the other from Amazon. It was after I had bought that book from eBay that it struck me that I should look to see what APs were going for. The prices varied from ~$25 to well over $70 — the newer editions typically more expensive. I really didn’t care what year I got. There was one for 1978 — the year of the 3 popes. But, I realized that this one would not include the two that got elected that year. So, I opted for the 1985, which was priced at $26 — with “Make An Offer” option. As you can see, I got it for $2, plus shipping.

It is a LARGE book. 2,070, densely packed pages. It is quite literally a red brick. I have only thumbed through it. It is cute & neat. I wish I could read Italian.