Tag Archives: install

If The ‘Audible’ APP Keeps Causing ‘Android’ To Crash.

by Anura Guruge
on November 20, 2022

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If you Google this you will find a LOT of good, valid suggestions — many of which might actually work. But, you are likely to find that it is going to be a trial & error — i.e., try this, then that, & maybe this — process.

I found, over the weekend, that the quickest & easiest solution was to UNINSTALL the APP & then get a fresh copy. Yes, you will have to download the books you had previously downloaded. That is not a bad thing either. That is the 1st step that most other potential fixes recommends. This way, rather than screwing around, just start again.

I found that it was really quite easy. Took minutes. Just a suggestion. You do not have to resort to this, if you don’t like the sound of it. SMILE. No problem. I am all set, thank you.

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