Tag Archives: Ingrown Toenail

“Dr. Krause Ingrown Toenail Treatment Kit”: Miracle Cure, Relief Within 24 Hours — Saved Trip To Doctor!

by Anura Guruge
on February 2, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘Amazon’ product listing.

When you are as OLD as I (nearly 70) & spend at least 3 hours a day (without fail, each & every day) ambling in all weathers — particularly the bitter cold we have in the winter — it takes a toll on your feet — especially the heels & toe nails. The toe nails become very hard & brittle. So hard that I would have to use a metal working file to file them down. Mine get as thick & HARDER than hoofs on a cow, horse or deer. That can be a problem.

A couple of weekends ago, on a Friday evening, one of the toenails started digging into the toe. It was painful. It was so painful that I called up ER! They said I could come in but I felt stupid. I e-mailed my primary care doctor asking for a Monday appointment (if possible). It was that bad. I hate going to doctors so for me to request this appointment was huge. Things were serious.

I the started doing something I always do. I checked Amazon. Came across this. Looked interesting. Wasn’t that expensive either. Plus Amazon was guaranteeing Sunday delivery by Amazon. I placed an order. It arrived, as promised, early Sunday evening.

I tried it at once. It smells potent. Not a bad smell, just strong, like distilled mint. I kind of like it. Put some drops on both toes & used the supplied gel caps. Went to sleep with the gel caps on.

When I woke up Monday morning the pain was gone. GONE. So, I called up my doctor & said I was all set & would call again if things went south again. They didn’t.

By Tuesday morning both toenails were SO SOFT I could easily trip them using my heavy-duty nail clippers. Wow. What a difference. Thanks to these drops I have my toenails under control. I can trim & shape them daily. No digging in. No infections. I love these drops.

Highly recommended.