Tag Archives: Inconsiderate

Man’s Inconsideration For Man Bespoiling Lovely ‘Fort Williams’, Portland, Maine.

by Anura Guruge
on March 22, 2022

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Before anyone gets on their high horse about the title being sexist, please brush up on your ‘Robert Burns‘. Plus, given that there are also diapers I am sure that this is an equal opportunities crime by no means gender specific. SMILE.

This was today at the ever lovely Fort Williams on what was a beautiful (but very chilly & gusty) day. It was my second visit this year.

This scene by the only available ‘amenities’ is UNACCEPTABLE! How inconsiderate. What are people thinking. Yes, it is bad enough that people have become rude & think it is OK, but this is taking things to a whole different level.

I think Fort Williams, year round, quite rightly, is a ‘carry in, carry out‘ facility. We are off-season right now & they are not charging their nominal parking fees. So, they have also cut back on the upkeep & facilities. [I did NOT use the porta potties, but when the doors were open they looked ‘clean’ from where I was standing (at a safe distance). Being a man, & a daily, year round hiker to boot, I know how to get by without having to negotiate porta potties. SMILE.]

I am NOT sure how we can fix this problem. I thought about contacting the good people who lovingly maintain this wonderful park & offering to pay SOME towards renting a dumpster. But, that might not be the right fix. Plus, I understand, that some will, quite rightly feel that we gave into the problem.

One of Fort Williams’ many claims to fame is that it is dog friendly. It even has an off-leash dog area. That is why my daughter (whose 16th birthday it was today) loves this place. She can take her 104 pound puppy (though she will NOT let it off its leash).

I am saddened. It is the same as with manners. Why can’t we be more considerate. Being polite & considerate costs nothing. And it, trust me, is real easy to do. SMILE.