Tag Archives: in flames

UK COVID Memorial, the ‘Bedworth Sanctuary’, Goes Up In Flames As Was The Plan!

by Anura Guruge
on May 28, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

YouTube videos.


From the little I had learnt I knew that it was indeed supposed to go up in flames today, i.e., Saturday, May 28, 2022. Burning it down, within a week (or so) of it being completed never made any sense to I.

STUPID. Irresponsible.

1 million dollars.

1 million dollars is 1 million dollars. It is ALL relative BUT much can be done with a million dollars. To burn a structure like this, which cost a million dollars, just seems wrong.

There is more to this than we know — or at least I can find out. I already gave you a heads up on that.

Click image to access my May 23, 2022 post.

Well, I will try to find out more about this, & if I do I sure will SHARE it with you.