Tag Archives: illuminated

The Illuminated Dam In Pittsfield, New Hampshire, During Tropical Storm ‘Henri’ — 11pm, Sunday, August 22, 2021.

by Anura Guruge
on August 23, 2021

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My 15-year old daughter likes going out, by ‘car‘, at night, during storms. So, I indulged her last night. It wasn’t too bad outside. It was raining, but not that hard & there was no wind. She likes going down country dirt roads with overhanging trees. We did that.

On the news I had seen some pictures of overflowing dams. I was familiar with this dam in Pittsfield. I wasn’t sure whether it would be lit — or whether the illuminations were reserved for ‘Christmas’. It was only about 8-miles away. So, I gave it a shot. We got there just around 11pm. The town was asleep. We had the dam all to ourself.

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