Tag Archives: Humvees

Why Is The U.S. Airlifting Non-Military SUVs From Kabul On Passenger-Carrying Evacuation Planes — THIS Week?

by Anura Guruge
on August 25, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Photo from 1pm MSNBC ‘MTP Daily’ show.

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Independent’. Click here for full article.

I had MSNBC, the ‘Chuck Todd’ ‘MTP Daily‘ show on, at 1pm, while I was getting dressed.

I saw the above image. I did a double take. I rewound the (automatic) DVR. Watched it again. I had to go get my phone so I could get the above shot.

Ah? WTF? It doesn’t look very special. Looks like somebody’s personal SUV — a Japanese of Korean. [I can’t make out the logo but it looks like a Toyota or KIA.]

This does not make sense. Why bother to airlift a ‘nothing special’ SUV when the U.S. left behind aircrafts, helicopters and Humvees?

This just does NOT make sense. It is incongruous to say the least.

It is taking up space that could have been used to accomodate people? Does it belong to a high-ranking Afghan? If so, what strings did he/she have to pull to get a SUV airlifted? Does not make sense.

This should be investigated.

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