Tag Archives: HQ

‘Lego USA’ Is Moving Their Headquarters to ‘Boston’ In 2025 — Exciting News For Us Local Lego Nuts.

by Anura Guruge
on January 24, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. For full ‘Boston Globe‘ coverage.

Yes, still a few years out. But, still kind of exciting.

I never realized that the current HQ is in ‘Enfield’, Connecticut. To be fair that is still in New England & not that far away. So, in theory, I could go & visit the HQ now. That had never been a goal.

But, Boston is different. Much closer to home & I do go to Boston quite often. So a good chance that I would be able to visit the new HQ. But, 2 years away. Much water would have flown down the Charles by then. So, I won’t get too excited or make any plans.

Just wanted to make sure that you knew about it

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